Hmm... after much time of setting up this blog... probably about a year ago... I guess this is the first time I'm posting a blog in the net.... *applause*
So much have past since the eventful year 2005... I should say I'm having a good start for myself after all the crap and stuffs I've been through last year... hope this year wouldn't be as bad as last year even though signs have shown Taurus won't be able to journey a smooth & peaceful path ahead... ''BAD'' omen... haiz... On the optimistic side, I'm sure we control the fates in our own hands... what comes will come... its just the way we see and handle things in our own perspective...
I guess it must have been approximately half a year since the departure of my dear friend... looks like chrono do travel faster when you don't realise it... everything happens in a blink of an eye... the sorrow and loneliness in my heart have gradually diminished through the months... It really wasn't easy getting through it... but certain distinctive people walked in my life and taught me somewhat to let go and look back... feel... just feel and never ever dwindle in the past... the nostalgic feelings that seclude inside me have become what people always says, '' part and parcel of life. '' Sure those are wonderful memories...

Hmm... I suppose a new and excruciating journey awaits me to venture... Poly life is going to start after the hectic days of 'O' levels... So many months of mindless working have made me use my brain lesser & lesser & lesser... but sure I did gain ALOT of experience... especially the hands-on stuffs, and how to be tactful when talking to idiotic customers. (bastards & bitches) I am SO going to miss my crazy gang of friends in TCC outlet... Especially My wonderful managers, Tim(Daddy), Wati(Emily) & of course Amin(Pervert)... Not to leave out my talking, crapping & bitching buddy Sharon and so many other crazy staff.... hmm... I guess it would be about 3 weeks count down from now on... when my schedule ''ANY DAY, ANYTIME'' becomes... ah.... mmm.... UNPREDICTABLE!!!! haiz... let time decides everything... hope I can cope between my studies & work at the same time as well... Haha... I'm craving for some stress of homeworks, lectures and other stuffs in Poly... ( What a sadist I am... lol ). My mind has been processing rather slow nowadays, jokes which I could understand & catch at the same time seemed unfamiliar to me... too relaxed and care-free for the past few months I guess... haha...
I guess I'll end here... its getting real late now... till then... Hope you're looking what I'm writing now... dear friend... Nite...