It's getting closer and closer...
I realized time seems to fast-forward after you turn 21...
The uncertainty in me seems to grow with every date striked off from the calender...
Have been getting anxious on starting anew...
4 months to ORD, 6 months to NUS...
Does this seem normal at all? Getting anxious on events that have yet to hit you right smack on the face...
I often questioned myself on the choices available when I get to NUS, the paths I should take, how I want this whole new experience to be...
To be frank, getting into a local university still seems too surreal for me... Too good to be true... Have always thought I might end up in a different path... Something remotely close to what's going to materialize infront of my eyes...
I need some confidence boost to keep me fired up on the upcoming challenges...
School, friends, work, music, time... It's all coming back to me again but with a higher level of intensity...
I want things to be perfect or within my expectations, to say the least...
I believe it's imperative to study something I'm interested in as opposed to something that might be relevant to the society...
There are so many examples of people not ending up in jobs that are related to their expertise...
Having seek advices from so many people, I think I know what I want to major in now...
It's about time things start to roll...
I need to get out of NS fast... It's corroding me from the very core... I had my fair share of bad choices for the previous year... To recall, it was uncomprehensible... I wasn't myself, it might've been a bad voodoo curse?! Haha! I must've been crazy!!! REALLY CRAZY!!! 2 years is too much... After I'm back from Cope Tiger 2011, I'm so getting the mood to ORD...