Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 Consecutive Nightmares

I already had a nightmare yesterday... What's with me and nightmares nowadays? Nightmare was horrible yesterday... To cut short, the dream was about me recieving my results and my mentor told me, "Guobin, your GPA this semester has dropped to 3.1..." Got the shock of my life... It felt like the effort that was put in for the first 5 semesters was gone to waste...

The dream today was DI-gusting... I didn't had any proper sleep and my back is aching again...

Disclaimer: Continue to read if you LOVE dreams that doesn't make any sense...

1st Dream

I remembered being in some school at Yishun... We were told by some weirdos to sing a hymn... In the process of singing, there was this "pressure" trying to get into my brain, I felt like I was losing my senses and then something hit me, I realised I was being hypnotized...

It was scary... I tried to break the "control" but to no avail... I blanked out and woke up in a classroom, I saw my aunt trying to save me by revealing some scribblings on her hands... It says, "X-??-??"... Well, she walked out of the classroom leaving me behind... I was confused about the hint given to me but somehow, I solved the answer... I know this doesn't make any sense but the answer was her........ HOUSE NUMBER??? Weird isn't it? Moving on... I think the "hint" given was meant for me to run to her house to seek help or whatsoever... Yes... I think I was imprisonated...

Some scenes were vague, the next thing I remembered was breaking out of the school... I ran out with lots of stuff on my hands then Alisa, my secondary school classmate (popped out from nowhere) offered to help me carry my barang barang... She vanished immediately when she got hold of my stuff... I was searching frantically for her... It was crazy as all my belongings were inside... I ran to a void deck under some HDB block and I heard her voice... Got hold of her and she told me that all my belongings were sold... |||... GREAT! She ran off again... My dad appeared this time... He was supposed to get me to my aunt's house but he got further and further away from it... (This part doesn't make any sense either...) Anyway, at long last, I got to my aunt's house... Her house was in a mess... Everyone was quarrelling... From this part onwards... I was "transported" into another dream...

2nd Dream

Okay, this dream is about my grandma becoming senile... I was in a restaurant happily gorging the food down until I saw my grandma wandering aimlessly in the restaurant... We got her to sat down with "us" (I can't remember who's with me)... Anyway, she acted like she didn't knew us... She wasn't supposed to be in the restaurant in the first place... Apparently, someone was supposed to look after her... She started acting weird and crazy like the recent show which Zhu Hou Ren was in... It was funny... Somehow, we got somebody to fetch her back and that was the end of 2nd dream... Hmmm... if you guys wonder "why would this be a nightmare?" Yes it is... I hate the feeling when I see people I know suffering from diseases...

3rd Dream

This was a really weird one... I was in my house... There was this little mixed-blood (Indian-Chinese) baby chasing me around... He was poking and poking and poking me.... AND... I woke up! :) Lalala...

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