Saturday, August 16, 2008

Supper Session

All of us were kinda bored and so we decided to meet up for supper... Xiao Ti came to my house to have some chit-chat session first... And yes! I asked the sacred question, got my mum to guess his age... I can't believe my mum said 23-24! OMG! *eyes rolled* Looks like I'm the only sane one able to guess his age correctly... He must have cast his YCB spell again...

Meet up with Tim shortly and head to Al Ameen... Before the food even came, I already had "uninvited guest". It was COCKCROACH! Oh My Freaking God... It was crawling BEHIND my back until Xiao Ti noticed and screamed, I immediately jumped up and shaked it off... It was "DI"GUSTING! Can't believe a cockcroach touched me! YUCKS!!!!! Traumatised~ *Faint*

Took pictures of Tim & Xiao Ti~

There's always unlimited stuff to talk about when they are present... So everything was fun :) Yup... Face reality! Study Bin! Not much time left...

A side note - Congratz to the Singapore Table Tennis Team! You guys rock~ Didn't sacrifice 4 hours of my study time to watch you guys battle it out!

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