Earlier on, my liaison officer came to the office and dropped 2 exploding news to me, but I'm not even sure to be happy or not... Didn't really had any mood to listen to her anyway... then a minute ago, I was thinking how to say goodbye to Marcus as the conversation didn't seem to come to a nice spot where I could put an end to it... Before I could even remember, I found myself literally "running" towards the mrt station to meet ym before heading for the concert... and God were we squashed like packed sardine sandwiches in the train towards Raffles Place...
Bought a tea/coffee plunger as a farewell gift... Something I knew he will defintely use it for good...

This was taken by Boon Peng... The picture came out pretty good... courtesy from my Panasonic VS6... Till now, I still don't understand why my colleagues say we had the "Father-Son Look", the "Brother Look", able to "Speak Alike"... So on and so forth...

Angeline told me to take a photo with the client's policy that were piling up like mad, it was way too high that I had to transfer half of it into the cabinet... What you've just seen was only 10% of it...

I'm seriously glad that I was able to complete everything that was assigned to me... Really worked my ass off... If its not for the skipped lunches, the OTs... I may not be able to finish it within this 10 weeks...
I felt really sad leaving the place, but what Tim said was right... I should leave the place at my highest point... and I think I did... All the wonderful memories... the neverending teabreaks... All I could say was... I really enjoyed every single moment being there...
This 10 weeks have really changed my mindset in alot of ways... I seriously don't see my old self anymore... For good or for worst, we are constantly changing... I hope others still see me for who I am...
I have a really bad premonition going back to school... I know something is going to happen... Something bad... I know this last semester is not going to be so smooth sailing as it did in the past... Maybe alot of dramas would be unfolded to test the friendship between my polymates... Well... Let's see... I shall await...
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