Monday, November 07, 2011

Life As A Fairytale

Took a break from studies and went for a run.
How long has it been since I last ran? Probably close to a month?
I laid on the bench after the run. Did some crunches and collapsed onto the bench while my tummy continued to ache.
As I laid down, I stared at the moon...

My ipod shuffled to the OSTs of "Enchanted". I was enjoying "True Love's Kiss" whilst looking at the moon. It was almost full, almost. Lying at the exercise corner... alone. How rare is that. It was even more comforting and enjoying when the breeze whizzed through my face. For a moment, I thought I was living in a fairytale. Couldn't remember how long I laid there, but it was definitely revitalizing. Suddenly feel like playing "Enchanted" all over again for the upcoming Esplanade performance.

The thought of having an exam tomorrow sure spoils everything. Disenchantment.

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