Having not work for 3 days really made me feel so awkward... A sudden urge felt against me to reach Raffles Place as soon as possible as I took the MRT... perhaps the urge to find out how was everyone doing for the past few days...
Upon reaching the outlet, I was relieve to see the familiar faces inside the outlet... Everyone was still there... talking, crapping and joking as usual... I talked to Tim about my schedule for Poly and we somehow made a clear understanding on the days I could work... As we continued, I realise Steve(Hamster) was talking to Amin at table 5A...
Something wasn't right, my instinct tells me so... After observing Erin's facial expression, I knew someone would be leaving soon... AGAIN... It didn't took me long to realise that the person was Amin when Tim was talking SO LOUDLY to Michael when I was beside them... having said this, a thought came up to me... '' You don't have to say so loudly for the whole world to know when I'm just beside you, I'm not transparent... you know?'' To somewhat end this ironic conversation... Tim actually said this to me, ''You never hear what I was talking...'' Duh!!!! Even the dead could hear what you were saying man....
When everyone in the outlet recieved the news of Amin's leaving... The outlet became so quiet... Everyone tried to laugh and joke... but the energy wasn't there... it feels like everyone was so tired... so restless already... I couldn't feel anything... simply plain, my mind was blank... perhaps all these partings have become a norm to me... Have they??? I'm not sure... I could no longer feel the atmosphere, no longer have the feelings of missing someone that you spent wonderful times with... I know I could get over with this parting stuffs soon... but its already damn sickening to get that kind of feelings in the first place... why does friends come and go so fast??? Does fate wants to prevent me on putting redundant feelings on people that I've known??? Perhaps the consolation I get was lesser pain & sadness... I guess... lol...
Anyway, I would like to voice out my gratitude towards Amin for training me all these months... Especially when it comes to doing Host...
I honour you, Amin
I honour you for what you are as a person...
Straight-forward, considerate, hilarious, perverted & caring....
Thanks for all the times when you cheer me up when I was down,
Making me laugh when I was unhappy,
Providing me with valuable lessons to be learnt in future life...
Thanks for everything... Amin... You are one GREAT Manager...
I'm so going to miss all your laughter, jokes & of course... the butt spankings... haha...

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