Its been some time since I updated my last blog... Everything has been so packed & busy... Its been one week since another farewell of my dear friend Sharon in RX... Miss Sharon lots!!!! Feels like everyone is leaving... First is Brenda, then Abd ... now Sharon.... Everyone has decided their priorities in life & are waiting to experience what people say, ''A Whole New Beginning.''
Working in TCC for four months has been long yet short for me... Now to recall and look back at the past few events... We had SO much fun & laughter... Its was certainly an unforgettable experience... Now that poly is going to start...I must work hard and not to neglect my studies... Wouldn't want to put the money into waste now that I'm indebt with my uncle... Huge sum of money... Really hate to owe people a favour or whatever people would phrase it... So sick and tired of everything...
Recently, I had a talk with Meiling... and came to realise that there was still a problem yet to be solved between me & Vincent ever since the issue that happened last year... Everything was somewhat ''forced'' under circumstances and nothing could really do to help or recover it... Perhaps I was being practical at that time but what could have happened, had already happened... Its so hard to dig up the past that already seem so vague to me... Being defensive or what... I really wouldn't like to bring up what happened in the past... I'm actually sick and tired of everything... Could it be that I'm easily influenced and reacted what I feel under strained circumstances or perhaps different people I met in my life gave me something that I've never felt before... Someone who I could admire... learn and discover from... But am I in the wrong??? I totally have no idea...
''Setting priorites is not wrong, but never neglect your friends.'' This sentence hit me before I could even realise it... Did I really neglect them??? Perhaps I did in the past... but am I still doing it??? Or did it turn out the other way??? No matter what, I still spend time and make an effort to meet up with Vincent with my packed schedule... But did he ever make an effort to meet up with me??? Obsessed in the game of Maple Story... Or I would say in general, Online Games.... really kills a person... no matter is it your health, time or money... does Online Games really stands out as a more prior choice compared to spending time with friends??? Or is it a retribution for what I did for neglecting my friends in the past??? Lol... I seemed to be questioning myself all the time but never really able to find out the answer that satisfy me...
Back to what I was saying about setting priorities... RX may seemed a prior choice for me at this moment... but who could have helped??? Imagine going out for a chill with only one person most of the time...PRECISELY!!! 2 freaking pathetic people... do you think it's fun??? Sometimes, calling for a gathering seemed a daunting and excruciating task for me... (Climbing Mount Himalaya...) Even if you get everyone's ''agreement'' *after much persuation*, you might already be so tired that you don't even want to go out... (Reaching the peak of Mount Himalaya and fell after slipping over a protruding step that seemed strong on the outside but weak in the inside...) Witty selection deters on the satisfied outcome of one person...
I don't know whats with Vincent lately... He's becoming more lazy & unenthusiastic as before... I don't even know if he really has any family problems other than his dying grandfather and annoying grandmother... Could all this factors aggravate the main issue he is having??? Beats me... His family seems to be in an utter mess right now... I don't know how he is handling... Did maplestory turns out as one of the main sources for him to vent his unhappiness and stress??? Even if it is... Its is the worst choice among all... now what I can do is to wait for school starts so he could direct his unhappy energy on other stuffs... like schoolwork... I'm not good with consoling stuffs... neither am I clever enough to get something out from what a person is thinking but I'm good in listening... I can only wait for him to tell me what he has been going through...
Hai... I'm so tired after such a long essay.... In conclusion, no matter if my priorities have changed after the months... there is always a small group of special friends that will always remain important and unchanged in my heart... Its time I should sign off now... Till next time...
''When one door closes another opens, But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us.''
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