After drawing manga for so many years... The eyes of one formulate the entire body, the entire expression of a character... I chose to draw this character because of her eyes... The eyes speak a thousand words... and yes... it was clouded with sorrow and desperation... was kinda the feeling I wanted to capture when I was down... I thought she represented how I felt at that time...
Surprisingly, the more I drew, the feeling just went away... I think drawing is one of the ways I vent my emotions... The emotions that I drew was kinda sealed in the drawing once the picture was done... Now I know why I had no worries or problems back in the days when I was younger... I seemed to draw everyday... I shall continue this hobby that was once forgotten...
And now, rubbish bin is back in action! I mean full force ya! :) Thanks for all the concerns... you guys know who you are ;) Xiao Ti, you can safekeep the coloured coffin for now... who knows you may be the first to use it? :P
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