Ran 12km to burn off the food from Carnivore! It was a "horrible" restaurant! The buffet wasn't really my cup of tea since I'm not a hardcore meat lover... The abundance of meat never fails to show up on your table... All thanks to the overly enthusiastic servers bringing the slab of meat walking around...
I'm quite surprised with my stamina now... There was no hint of exhaustion after all that run... Moreover, this is my longest run thus far... Have to say my Sirs & Sergeants have trained me/us well... :) IPPT seems to be a breeze for me now... Clinched a silver before my course ended... Aiming for a gold next time!
2.4KM - 10.55 min
Sit Ups - 40
SBJ - 234
Chin Ups - 15
Shuttle Run - 9.9 sec
Haven't really been updating my blog... There's just too much to say and too little time to write... to express how life has been for me... All I can say is that it's not so bad after all... I should enjoy myself and live life to the fullest... The remaining time in NS seems long... However, it ends quickly even before one can comprehend... Earth seems to be turning faster and faster... I feel like I've aged... Sometimes, I just wished time could stop at some certain point of time...
Hmmm... Enough of my naive thinking... Life goes on...
As time goes by...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snapping Scapula Syndrome
After 2 years of torment on my shoulders, I've finally gotten the chance to seek help from a doctor... I've been diagnosed with a snapping scapula syndrome... This sucks!
Courtesy from orthopod
Snapping scapula syndrome is fairly rare. When it happens, the soft tissues between the scapula and the chest wall are thick, irritated, or inflamed. Snapping scapula syndrome can also happen if the bones of the shoulder blade or rib cage grate over one another.
Snapping scapula is caused by problems in the soft tissues or bones of the scapula and chest wall. It can start when the tissues between the scapula and shoulder blade thicken from inflammation. The inflammation is usually caused by repetitive movements.
Grating, grinding, or snapping may be heard or felt along the edge or undersurface of the scapula as it moves along the chest wall. These grinding sensations are also called crepitus. Sometimes the joint pops or thumps during movement. Often, these sensations cause no pain.
Doctor may recommend one or two injections of cortisone into the bursa. Cortisone is a steroid that effectively reduces inflammation.
Doctors usually recommend surgery only if nonsurgical treatments have failed. Surgery may be needed if the problem is caused by a bone abnormality. In the most common surgery for snapping scapula, the surgeon takes out a small piece of the upper corner of the scapula nearest to the spine.
The medical officer referred me to an orthopaedic specialist as well as a physiotherapist... This is going to be so troublesome! Arghhhh... I really hope I don't need to go through any surgery... If that's really the case, it is so going to affect my PES status... I went through so much to pass out from ADWO course... The friends I've made... I don't want to get re-vocationed to another unit! :(
Courtesy from orthopod
Snapping scapula syndrome is fairly rare. When it happens, the soft tissues between the scapula and the chest wall are thick, irritated, or inflamed. Snapping scapula syndrome can also happen if the bones of the shoulder blade or rib cage grate over one another.
Snapping scapula is caused by problems in the soft tissues or bones of the scapula and chest wall. It can start when the tissues between the scapula and shoulder blade thicken from inflammation. The inflammation is usually caused by repetitive movements.
Grating, grinding, or snapping may be heard or felt along the edge or undersurface of the scapula as it moves along the chest wall. These grinding sensations are also called crepitus. Sometimes the joint pops or thumps during movement. Often, these sensations cause no pain.
Doctor may recommend one or two injections of cortisone into the bursa. Cortisone is a steroid that effectively reduces inflammation.
Doctors usually recommend surgery only if nonsurgical treatments have failed. Surgery may be needed if the problem is caused by a bone abnormality. In the most common surgery for snapping scapula, the surgeon takes out a small piece of the upper corner of the scapula nearest to the spine.
The medical officer referred me to an orthopaedic specialist as well as a physiotherapist... This is going to be so troublesome! Arghhhh... I really hope I don't need to go through any surgery... If that's really the case, it is so going to affect my PES status... I went through so much to pass out from ADWO course... The friends I've made... I don't want to get re-vocationed to another unit! :(
Friday, December 04, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Presummex was OMG! Much more worse than fieldcamp in BMT... Nearly died in the 3 days 2 nights fieldcamp... Had practically less than 2 hours of sleep everyday... Deploy Re-deploy Deploy Re-deploy Deploy Re-deploy... I seriously pity oliver who got the "dream" team... 3 out of the 4 cocksters got into the same detachment of 6... Cursed... But I'm glad everyone got through it... One more fieldcamp! 4 days 3 nights! Arrgghhh... Can't imagine one extra day without sleep! It's going to stretch our limit... Now I know why ADA is the commando of airforce...
Friday, November 20, 2009
I had to say this week was quite stress for me... Got targeted by Sgt Frans to be the IC for this week... It was fun even though responsibilities were placed ahead of the others... I was quite shocked to hear from one of my course mates saying that I was the best IC so far... Quite happy to hear such positive comments! I don't think I was that fantastic but I did achieve the goal I set as an IC - not to let my friends get punished because of my mistakes... I'm glad this week went smooth!!!
Presummex & Summex is going to suck blood! Getting the people I don't want to work with is sadly inevitable... Just got to suck it in and do my part... We will pull through as a team, as a detachment... ENDURE is the word before I POP! This is not going to be easy... The end is nearing... I can feel it...
Presummex & Summex is going to suck blood! Getting the people I don't want to work with is sadly inevitable... Just got to suck it in and do my part... We will pull through as a team, as a detachment... ENDURE is the word before I POP! This is not going to be easy... The end is nearing... I can feel it...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Close Call
Things to update this week...
Finished man pack exercise... Amid the 60kg load, I still find it rather easy... Some of my course mates were struggling throughout the exercise... Nevertheless, I'm glad everyone completed it! Can't wait for the photos to be developed! I did alot of stupid stuff and they were all captured on the camera! Carrying the load while I ran to take cover when we got "contacted"... Hiding behind a tree with my missile carried horizontally... A cross-like figure was formed and it looked hilarious... The commanders laughed but there weren't any bushes for me to take cover! In addition, I was in a position that I can't even bent myself down to put the missile...
I'm not sure why... but I realise sergeant Frans seems to enjoy picking on me... He seems to enjoy stressing me, pushing me mentally... Whenever our detachment makes mistakes for our deployment, we run around the hangar with our SBO on... The moment I'm seen running at a slower pace, he shouts, "Guobin! I don't want to see you running at such a slow pace!"
What I've accumulated this past 2 weeks from him...
*working on engagement sequence* "Guobin! Don't disappoint me eh..." SUPER STRESS after that!
*morning run* "Guobin! You ran so slow today! Trying to tickle me ah?"
"Guobin! The first 2 detachment I took for man pack exercise gave me lousy standards... I don't want to see you whining like them *acts out the whining sound* You better give me what I want...
*doing SBJ* I jumped 230 for the first time! (No fault at all!) "Guobin! Not counted..." Records the 2nd result which was 220++ :S
*Struggling to hold onto the fluttering kick position* His favourite sentence to everyone! "Guobin! Say you like it!"
Nearly fell into the pit of the rooftop access while doing rooftop deployment exercise... Thanks to the ingenious architectural design of the rooftop... Pipes were connected everywhere we walked... It was a close call... A really close one... sergeant Frans saved me and I think he hurt his pinky finger abit... Even though I whine and complain at times, you really push my limits and keep me motivated... Thank You...
Finished man pack exercise... Amid the 60kg load, I still find it rather easy... Some of my course mates were struggling throughout the exercise... Nevertheless, I'm glad everyone completed it! Can't wait for the photos to be developed! I did alot of stupid stuff and they were all captured on the camera! Carrying the load while I ran to take cover when we got "contacted"... Hiding behind a tree with my missile carried horizontally... A cross-like figure was formed and it looked hilarious... The commanders laughed but there weren't any bushes for me to take cover! In addition, I was in a position that I can't even bent myself down to put the missile...
I'm not sure why... but I realise sergeant Frans seems to enjoy picking on me... He seems to enjoy stressing me, pushing me mentally... Whenever our detachment makes mistakes for our deployment, we run around the hangar with our SBO on... The moment I'm seen running at a slower pace, he shouts, "Guobin! I don't want to see you running at such a slow pace!"
What I've accumulated this past 2 weeks from him...
*working on engagement sequence* "Guobin! Don't disappoint me eh..." SUPER STRESS after that!
*morning run* "Guobin! You ran so slow today! Trying to tickle me ah?"
"Guobin! The first 2 detachment I took for man pack exercise gave me lousy standards... I don't want to see you whining like them *acts out the whining sound* You better give me what I want...
*doing SBJ* I jumped 230 for the first time! (No fault at all!) "Guobin! Not counted..." Records the 2nd result which was 220++ :S
*Struggling to hold onto the fluttering kick position* His favourite sentence to everyone! "Guobin! Say you like it!"
Nearly fell into the pit of the rooftop access while doing rooftop deployment exercise... Thanks to the ingenious architectural design of the rooftop... Pipes were connected everywhere we walked... It was a close call... A really close one... sergeant Frans saved me and I think he hurt his pinky finger abit... Even though I whine and complain at times, you really push my limits and keep me motivated... Thank You...
Sunday, November 08, 2009
An Eventful Day
Managed to meet up with Ms Tan after so long... The kids have grown! Congrats to Hannah in completing her 1st Sem! How time flies! In just one more month, I'm heading towards the finishing line... Dec 10 is the day! No more lowest lifeform! No more trainee life again!
So glad to meet Jielong after so long! Our Mr OCS Navy Officer to be... Did alot of funny stuff together just like the old times... Kieron & Rodney are going to complete their BSLC... Hope you guys end up somewhere not so xiong... Like airforce for example! Haha!

Very nice X'mas tree... This means it's coming again! Another year... OMG!

Rod & Jielong

Kieron & Me

The 4 of us

Rod refusing to let us go

And that's 2am++ in the morning
I'll miss you guys... Some things just can't be compared...
So glad to meet Jielong after so long! Our Mr OCS Navy Officer to be... Did alot of funny stuff together just like the old times... Kieron & Rodney are going to complete their BSLC... Hope you guys end up somewhere not so xiong... Like airforce for example! Haha!
Very nice X'mas tree... This means it's coming again! Another year... OMG!
Rod & Jielong
Kieron & Me
The 4 of us
Rod refusing to let us go
And that's 2am++ in the morning
I'll miss you guys... Some things just can't be compared...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Utter Disappointment
The point of no return.... A vicious cycle...
You're a utter disapointment...
Things are much more worse than I've imagined it to be...
I really have nothing to say...
You're a utter disapointment...
Things are much more worse than I've imagined it to be...
I really have nothing to say...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Got to meet up with Timo & Hannah in the afternoon...
Caught 500 days of summer... A rather nice movie in a different kind of way... The kind of movie that leaves a tingling residual feeling...
Met up with Kieron and Rodney after that... Everything's still the same... I still miss them dearly... Tekong days with them formulated one of the best few moments of my life...
And I have a buddy in ChongPang... Not the buddy system kind of buddy... But a buddy buddy... He's Weiqin and he's super nice... :)
I'm getting Vincent back to Mus'art after 5 years... I hope things go well! Things happened in the past made me feel helpless... But things in band are different now... At least I have a say in the things I do... I hope Mus'art will become a happier place with irritating people out of the picture...
Caught 500 days of summer... A rather nice movie in a different kind of way... The kind of movie that leaves a tingling residual feeling...
Met up with Kieron and Rodney after that... Everything's still the same... I still miss them dearly... Tekong days with them formulated one of the best few moments of my life...
And I have a buddy in ChongPang... Not the buddy system kind of buddy... But a buddy buddy... He's Weiqin and he's super nice... :)
I'm getting Vincent back to Mus'art after 5 years... I hope things go well! Things happened in the past made me feel helpless... But things in band are different now... At least I have a say in the things I do... I hope Mus'art will become a happier place with irritating people out of the picture...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I'm officially a Mistralian now... Glad I did not end up in IGLA... It requires one to learn how to drive a tank which I totally hate it to bits and pieces... Tanks = Hot & stuffy!
Manpacking in Mistral is going to be tough but I will survive... Let's hope it doesn't take a toll on my loose shoulder...
New weapon, new bunk... Haiz.... I seem to end up with buddies that are going to OOC soon... This means that I wouldn't have one when they are gone... The new friends made will keep me going...
Manpacking in Mistral is going to be tough but I will survive... Let's hope it doesn't take a toll on my loose shoulder...
New weapon, new bunk... Haiz.... I seem to end up with buddies that are going to OOC soon... This means that I wouldn't have one when they are gone... The new friends made will keep me going...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
In case anyone didn't know... I got posted to airforce in ChongPang camp... Vocation - ADWO... Air Defence Weapon Operator... Lots of friends there... One of my super old friends BJ is there in 3da... Junyong is in 3da too... Tian Hui is in 160SQN... YM is there too... Yes... The one with 3 chocolate bars which I refuse to salute even though I've seen him twice in the camp...
Took me close to 2 weeks to get use to the sudden change in the environment... To recap everything that's happened... I was really quite demoralized on the first day...
We were told to do 2 sets of 12 chin-ups before heading for lunch... This was rather a norm for people in Orion as it was the usual routine for us - definitely of lesser number though... My counts dropped... Could only do like 7 and 6 respectively... I observed the rest and realised something appalling... Approximately 90% were zero fighters... In my mind, I was like "OMG! Welcome to the world of becoming a MAN!"
It felt like I was back in the 1st week of Tekong... All of us couldn't do our chin-ups... This made me ponder what the rest of the companies in Tekong had did to them... They must be having a helluva fun chalet-ing everyday... It came as a culture shock to me... I realised my company was really quite tough on us when placed in comparison... The basic requirements and expectations of a recruit and/or trainee... the standards in drills badly reflect the sergeant's capabilities in their teachings...
Not that I'm being bias or that I'm "selling" my own company... I'm really thankful that all my sergeants were kiasu, selfless and dedicated bunch of people... My course mates complained about the tough training and all... I, on the other hand thought it was manageable... Hmmm... Oh well...
Night was terrible... I was emoing and all... I missed the old batch of people in Tekong... My companions... The laughter... Everything's different... I have to admit that I didn't really like my new buddy when we first talked... The vibe didn't felt right... But as time goes by, he's really not that bad after all... I just couldn't make myself to move on... I shall see what happens next... Met some really nice people I could really click with... Already spotted 1 cockster... Just can't have enough of this kind of people eh? Haha... Let's hope these 20 months will be fulfilling and enjoyable...
December 10 will be my POP day... Hope it comes really quick! And lastly, BOOMZ! Haha!
Took me close to 2 weeks to get use to the sudden change in the environment... To recap everything that's happened... I was really quite demoralized on the first day...
We were told to do 2 sets of 12 chin-ups before heading for lunch... This was rather a norm for people in Orion as it was the usual routine for us - definitely of lesser number though... My counts dropped... Could only do like 7 and 6 respectively... I observed the rest and realised something appalling... Approximately 90% were zero fighters... In my mind, I was like "OMG! Welcome to the world of becoming a MAN!"
It felt like I was back in the 1st week of Tekong... All of us couldn't do our chin-ups... This made me ponder what the rest of the companies in Tekong had did to them... They must be having a helluva fun chalet-ing everyday... It came as a culture shock to me... I realised my company was really quite tough on us when placed in comparison... The basic requirements and expectations of a recruit and/or trainee... the standards in drills badly reflect the sergeant's capabilities in their teachings...
Not that I'm being bias or that I'm "selling" my own company... I'm really thankful that all my sergeants were kiasu, selfless and dedicated bunch of people... My course mates complained about the tough training and all... I, on the other hand thought it was manageable... Hmmm... Oh well...
Night was terrible... I was emoing and all... I missed the old batch of people in Tekong... My companions... The laughter... Everything's different... I have to admit that I didn't really like my new buddy when we first talked... The vibe didn't felt right... But as time goes by, he's really not that bad after all... I just couldn't make myself to move on... I shall see what happens next... Met some really nice people I could really click with... Already spotted 1 cockster... Just can't have enough of this kind of people eh? Haha... Let's hope these 20 months will be fulfilling and enjoyable...
December 10 will be my POP day... Hope it comes really quick! And lastly, BOOMZ! Haha!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
As Expected
Yesterday's argument was so loud that it woke me up... Sadly, I couldn't be bothered with it... It's always the same issue... More uncleared bills on other credit card companies... Indeed, a vicious cycle...
Just heard something which flared me up again... A personal loan application!!! So what's his explanation?
He's taking the loan to study... Ya? My FOOT! He's already taking his part time studies now... so what's the loan for? I can't believe he still has the cheek to lie to Mum & Dad... I did heard from Mum about him going to travel with his girlfriend this year end... I shan't go into details... Really sick and tired of his nonsense...
You go to church, you even do social work now... Fuck you! You are just acting infront of your girlfriend, trying so hard to please your girlfriend when you yourself wouldn't do it if others were to ask you for the same thing...
Why do I have such a useless brother...
I sent this message to him... "I seriously don't know what you are doing to yourself... You better go and reflect on your actions... If you still think you are not in any wrong, then be prepared to face the consequences in future because it is you who choose not to help yourself..."
This is my first and the last warning... The next time I hear even more nonsense from him, I'll make sure his girlfriend break off with him... I'm going to wreck him upside down...
Just heard something which flared me up again... A personal loan application!!! So what's his explanation?
He's taking the loan to study... Ya? My FOOT! He's already taking his part time studies now... so what's the loan for? I can't believe he still has the cheek to lie to Mum & Dad... I did heard from Mum about him going to travel with his girlfriend this year end... I shan't go into details... Really sick and tired of his nonsense...
You go to church, you even do social work now... Fuck you! You are just acting infront of your girlfriend, trying so hard to please your girlfriend when you yourself wouldn't do it if others were to ask you for the same thing...
Why do I have such a useless brother...
I sent this message to him... "I seriously don't know what you are doing to yourself... You better go and reflect on your actions... If you still think you are not in any wrong, then be prepared to face the consequences in future because it is you who choose not to help yourself..."
This is my first and the last warning... The next time I hear even more nonsense from him, I'll make sure his girlfriend break off with him... I'm going to wreck him upside down...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I miss Leroy, Jielong, Rodney, Kieron, Zul, Vincent, Eugene, Nicholas and Choon Ngee...
Tekong has left an indelible impression on me... Definitely a wonderful and memorable one... I'm not sure why it took me so long to say this, but perhaps part of me still hopes that things remained the same as it was... Definitely the friendships created have made this 3 months special to me...
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday, so hard to accept the present that embraces you the moment you open your eyes...
Can someone turn back time???
Tekong has left an indelible impression on me... Definitely a wonderful and memorable one... I'm not sure why it took me so long to say this, but perhaps part of me still hopes that things remained the same as it was... Definitely the friendships created have made this 3 months special to me...
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday, so hard to accept the present that embraces you the moment you open your eyes...
Can someone turn back time???
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Girlfriend Is An Agent
Watched ugly truth with the gang yesterday... Jielong! You said the show was okay nia... I thought it was really good even though some parts were crude... Haha!
Anyway, it's here again! Kang Ji Hwan! He's my favourite korean actors of all time! I'm so going to watch his new movie... Did a little research and this movie is a sellout in korea!
Anyway, it's here again! Kang Ji Hwan! He's my favourite korean actors of all time! I'm so going to watch his new movie... Did a little research and this movie is a sellout in korea!

I am a ISFJ type of person!
Yesterday, Zhi Cheng told me he's a ISFJ type too...
Introverted 33%
Sensing 12%
Feeling 50%
Judging 28%
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed judging personality
You can try it too! http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
Yesterday, Zhi Cheng told me he's a ISFJ type too...
Introverted 33%
Sensing 12%
Feeling 50%
Judging 28%
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
You are:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed judging personality
You can try it too! http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fucking Liar
*please pardon the words I use, I hereby apologize for my crudeness first*
You fucking liar...
You insisted you were not the one that stole the money... I believe you...
You said you were financially tight for this month... It's okay, I lend you my money even with my pathetic army pay...
You still have the cheek to lie in front of me even when I approached you on your credit card statement...
COME ON DUDE! The balance clearly states that you've accumulated and owe an amount of $5k for this month and you have been paying the minimum amount to get away from the late charges...
You FUCKING think I'm some idiot when I MYSELF worked in a credit card department dealing with shit people like YOU!
And this is only one credit card bill statement mum discovered... What about the other 9 credit cards you own? God knows how much you have been spending!
You disappoint us again and again...
To you, family values are nothing, you only know how to snuck yourself to your girlfriend coz that's all you need!
You only know how to splurge your money on her...
Today is your birthday... We wanted to celebrate with you... 2 hours is all it takes... You said okay... Then few days ago... You said you couldn't make it coz you had to work... Sadly to say, I don't believe you... I don't believe you anymore... I think you just want to spend time with your girlfriend...
Let me tell you, does your girlfriend wash your clothes for you? Does your girlfriend clean your untidy room? Does your girlfriend lend you money? (I don't think you even have the balls to ask coz you want your pathetic ego to be secured) And who drives you home when you are so tired after going out? Dad does the shit job... And all you do is just to take things for granted... Take our kindness as weaknesses... You ungrateful son of a bitch...
And how cool is it? We are still going out to celebrate your birthday... But the only thing is... the lead is not there... Hahaha! How pathetic... I'm laughing at myself coz I don't think I deserve a brother like you! And I don't think Dad & Mum deserves a son like this...
Fucking piece of shit... You just spoiled my day... Here then, you can go celebrate with that girlfriend of yours and continue to incur more charges to your already blown credit card bills...
Happy Birthday!
You fucking liar...
You insisted you were not the one that stole the money... I believe you...
You said you were financially tight for this month... It's okay, I lend you my money even with my pathetic army pay...
You still have the cheek to lie in front of me even when I approached you on your credit card statement...
COME ON DUDE! The balance clearly states that you've accumulated and owe an amount of $5k for this month and you have been paying the minimum amount to get away from the late charges...
You FUCKING think I'm some idiot when I MYSELF worked in a credit card department dealing with shit people like YOU!
And this is only one credit card bill statement mum discovered... What about the other 9 credit cards you own? God knows how much you have been spending!
You disappoint us again and again...
To you, family values are nothing, you only know how to snuck yourself to your girlfriend coz that's all you need!
You only know how to splurge your money on her...
Today is your birthday... We wanted to celebrate with you... 2 hours is all it takes... You said okay... Then few days ago... You said you couldn't make it coz you had to work... Sadly to say, I don't believe you... I don't believe you anymore... I think you just want to spend time with your girlfriend...
Let me tell you, does your girlfriend wash your clothes for you? Does your girlfriend clean your untidy room? Does your girlfriend lend you money? (I don't think you even have the balls to ask coz you want your pathetic ego to be secured) And who drives you home when you are so tired after going out? Dad does the shit job... And all you do is just to take things for granted... Take our kindness as weaknesses... You ungrateful son of a bitch...
And how cool is it? We are still going out to celebrate your birthday... But the only thing is... the lead is not there... Hahaha! How pathetic... I'm laughing at myself coz I don't think I deserve a brother like you! And I don't think Dad & Mum deserves a son like this...
Fucking piece of shit... You just spoiled my day... Here then, you can go celebrate with that girlfriend of yours and continue to incur more charges to your already blown credit card bills...
Happy Birthday!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Triggering Chrono
Okay, I think I'm going crazy... Waiting for the posting feels exactly the same as getting Poly results... Logging in, keying my particulars every interval to check if the posting is updated... Haiz... The wait is excruciating~
Before the posting spoils EVERYTHING, I shall update some pictures for yesterday's mini gathering...

Vin's Tattoo + Vin's Face = A mismatch in identity...

Section 3! Like this photo alot... Don't know why... And I realise something! We have forgotten about Nicholas! Haha...
Before the posting spoils EVERYTHING, I shall update some pictures for yesterday's mini gathering...
Vin's Tattoo + Vin's Face = A mismatch in identity...
Section 3! Like this photo alot... Don't know why... And I realise something! We have forgotten about Nicholas! Haha...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Minnie Riperton
Pardon my shallow-ness, I always thought Minnie Riperton was a white singer until I saw this video... Haha... Wonder why her falsetto is so high, I thought 'Lovin' You' original recording was already a sick song to sing until she did it live... It's INSANE! Especially the last few seconds... So unreal....
Wait wait wait... I can't seem to wait another day for the posting... The wait is torturing me...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Guard Duty
Amid all the night shifts we had to go through, guard duty sure was packed with surprises! I was shocked on the hours I spent talking to Sergeant Zaidi... Never really talked to him before... Got to know a different side of him... Talked about everything we could possibly thought of while the rest were asleep... Religion, people, myths, relationships... You name it...
Proceeded on with the 2nd shift which was scheduled at 2-4am... Felt lethargic and everything... Urghhh... Nevertheless, me and Yong Hong managed to fight against the lack of sleep... I was trying my luck during the 2nd shift to see if I was able to meet Teian Tye on his way while he walked his 24km route march... Coincidentally, the companies did marched past the area I was patrolling... I was trying so hard to spot him in the dark... Even got reprimanded by the KPO CB officer for not being tactical while doing the guard duty... Balls to him! Gave up finding him and went back to patrolling... Halfway across the intersection of another pavement, suddenly heard someone shouting my name, "GUOBIN! GUOBIN! POP LO!!!" It was Teian Tye! Kinda cool eh? My good brother managed to find me in the dark... What are the odds? Haha!
Ended guard duty and rested in one of the bunks... We had a little chat with platoon sergeant... And then, there it came the epiphany of irritation - Platoon BEST! I've never seen someone so cheapskate like him... Apparently, he was supposed to disseminate certain information to us by Platoon Sergeant... Sadly, he did not/ couldn't and/or cannot be bothered to pass on the information to any either of us...
The information conveyed by Platoon Sergeant states that we could bring in food and some electronic gaming devices for our guard duty... However, this was not the main issue... Firstly, he told me that he tried to call Jielong for my number... Well, I immediately smsed Jielong and he said he recieved none... I attempted a few times to cross check the numbers with him but he managed to get away everytime I tried... For people who knows the platoon BEST well enough, you somehow should know that he's not telling the truth... Lies...
To "compensate" for his negligence, he bought snacks worth approximately $20 for everyone to share... That was rather nice of him even though he kept emphasizing how much the snacks had costed him UNTIL he told us to pay up... Nevermind the fact, it is CLEARLY normal to pay for what you've eaten and I gladly accept his request... BUT HOWEVER, each of us paid $4 dollars and there were 5 of us... excluding him... So you do the math... OH! realise it adds up to $20 dollars? So what did he pay for? Rendering the services of taking the effort to buy snacks for us? How about incurring some GST charges too eh?
Well, if I knew there was a catch to it, I wouldn't have eaten the snacks he'd bought... Oh wells... I wouldn't want to be indebted to him in any either way, so he can gladly take my precious $4 for all he wants... I won't be seeing him either since he's going OCS... Yeah... Let me emphasize again... O-C-S... There's just too many little stuns he'd done and he's still able to keep up with his own conscience... I gladly give my applause to him and I wish him all the best for his future endeavours... ;)
Proceeded on with the 2nd shift which was scheduled at 2-4am... Felt lethargic and everything... Urghhh... Nevertheless, me and Yong Hong managed to fight against the lack of sleep... I was trying my luck during the 2nd shift to see if I was able to meet Teian Tye on his way while he walked his 24km route march... Coincidentally, the companies did marched past the area I was patrolling... I was trying so hard to spot him in the dark... Even got reprimanded by the KPO CB officer for not being tactical while doing the guard duty... Balls to him! Gave up finding him and went back to patrolling... Halfway across the intersection of another pavement, suddenly heard someone shouting my name, "GUOBIN! GUOBIN! POP LO!!!" It was Teian Tye! Kinda cool eh? My good brother managed to find me in the dark... What are the odds? Haha!
Ended guard duty and rested in one of the bunks... We had a little chat with platoon sergeant... And then, there it came the epiphany of irritation - Platoon BEST! I've never seen someone so cheapskate like him... Apparently, he was supposed to disseminate certain information to us by Platoon Sergeant... Sadly, he did not/ couldn't and/or cannot be bothered to pass on the information to any either of us...
The information conveyed by Platoon Sergeant states that we could bring in food and some electronic gaming devices for our guard duty... However, this was not the main issue... Firstly, he told me that he tried to call Jielong for my number... Well, I immediately smsed Jielong and he said he recieved none... I attempted a few times to cross check the numbers with him but he managed to get away everytime I tried... For people who knows the platoon BEST well enough, you somehow should know that he's not telling the truth... Lies...
To "compensate" for his negligence, he bought snacks worth approximately $20 for everyone to share... That was rather nice of him even though he kept emphasizing how much the snacks had costed him UNTIL he told us to pay up... Nevermind the fact, it is CLEARLY normal to pay for what you've eaten and I gladly accept his request... BUT HOWEVER, each of us paid $4 dollars and there were 5 of us... excluding him... So you do the math... OH! realise it adds up to $20 dollars? So what did he pay for? Rendering the services of taking the effort to buy snacks for us? How about incurring some GST charges too eh?
Well, if I knew there was a catch to it, I wouldn't have eaten the snacks he'd bought... Oh wells... I wouldn't want to be indebted to him in any either way, so he can gladly take my precious $4 for all he wants... I won't be seeing him either since he's going OCS... Yeah... Let me emphasize again... O-C-S... There's just too many little stuns he'd done and he's still able to keep up with his own conscience... I gladly give my applause to him and I wish him all the best for his future endeavours... ;)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I want nobody nobody but you *clap clap* -pause- *clap* says:
its essential if they going to command sch
*EUGENE says:
but i dun want you ~~~ to ur nick
I want nobody nobody but you *clap clap* -pause- *clap* says:
OMG... so lame!
that was so uncalled for ESPECIALLY coming from u!
*EUGENE says:
Sometimes we just can't judge a book by its cover... Eugene is one of the lowest profiled person I've known in Platoon 3... However I must say, he really is a nice guy... A sincere and genuine one... You don't really get alot of people like him nowadays... If it's not for the fieldcamp where we got allocated side by side for shellscrape... I may not even have the chance to talk to him...
its essential if they going to command sch
*EUGENE says:
but i dun want you ~~~ to ur nick
I want nobody nobody but you *clap clap* -pause- *clap* says:
OMG... so lame!
that was so uncalled for ESPECIALLY coming from u!
*EUGENE says:
Sometimes we just can't judge a book by its cover... Eugene is one of the lowest profiled person I've known in Platoon 3... However I must say, he really is a nice guy... A sincere and genuine one... You don't really get alot of people like him nowadays... If it's not for the fieldcamp where we got allocated side by side for shellscrape... I may not even have the chance to talk to him...
Trying Out
Sinful Indulgence
Just pampered myself with a new canon digital camera... The features and specifications of this camera is freaking good! I'm so loving it!

Indeed... A Sinful Indulgence... Muahahahaha!
I have so many things undone! I MUST complete crimson gem saga by this week... I have 3 unread books and 7 unread comics! OMG! Time is running out... Supporting the gang's performance later, meeting Weeleng on Monday for some good food, guard duty from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning at Tekong... Kbox on Wednesday night... X_X *faintz* I think I'm going crazy...

Indeed... A Sinful Indulgence... Muahahahaha!
I have so many things undone! I MUST complete crimson gem saga by this week... I have 3 unread books and 7 unread comics! OMG! Time is running out... Supporting the gang's performance later, meeting Weeleng on Monday for some good food, guard duty from Tuesday night to Wednesday morning at Tekong... Kbox on Wednesday night... X_X *faintz* I think I'm going crazy...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Things I'll Always Remember
1)Our emo corner
3)Dawn & Dusk
4)The nice chilly weather at 4-5 a.m in the morning
5)Sergeant Peter mumbling the commands for the drills
6)Sergeant Junwei straining to open his eyes
7)Sergeant Zaidi's mind games
8)Sergeant Lifeng saying "^&*k YOU" in a jokingly manner
9)Platoon Sergeant Ridhwan shouting "Meng Huang", "Mangkuk" & "Incoming"
10)Our smelly bunk
11)Reuben staring at the mirror admiring himself
12)Terence smiling even though he gets knock down by the sergeants
13)Terence's bicycle lock which have accompanied me throughout this BMT experience
14)Nicholas's sad NPCC & Tiffany & Co. story
15)Nicholas as Xianghui! CLASSIC
16)Choon Ngee's impulsive yet fun loving nature
17)Choon Ngee showing me his fake tooth
18)Benjamin's DJ-like voice
19)Super well-mannered and patient Benjamin
20)Marcus's teeth
21)Marcus's vomiting & crying incident
22)Yong Hong's quiet nature
23)Vincent's Beautiful Coloured Tattoo!
24)Slapping Vincent when he utters something vulgar
25)Rodney's impersonation of female characters
26)Bitching with Rodney
27)Jielong creeping into my bed and talk while the rest are asleep
28)Jielong's strong sense of integrity
29)Jielong's reply towards vulgar words... "You've lost me... Shows me that you have limited vocab"
30)Singing songs with Zul during SIT test till we fall asleep
31)Always listening songs together with Zul
32)Zul, my buddy
33)Leroy climbing onto my bed talking all kinds of stuff
34)Leroy falling off from the balancing log
35)Calling Kim Choon as Kim Chi
36)Fooling around with Sara
37)Eugene's introvert persona
38)Fieldcamp crying session
39)The hell day with Sergeant Zaidi
40)Platoon Sergeant's crazy roller coaster ride
And lastly, to my section mates! Love you guys!
3)Dawn & Dusk
4)The nice chilly weather at 4-5 a.m in the morning
5)Sergeant Peter mumbling the commands for the drills
6)Sergeant Junwei straining to open his eyes
7)Sergeant Zaidi's mind games
8)Sergeant Lifeng saying "^&*k YOU" in a jokingly manner
9)Platoon Sergeant Ridhwan shouting "Meng Huang", "Mangkuk" & "Incoming"
10)Our smelly bunk
11)Reuben staring at the mirror admiring himself
12)Terence smiling even though he gets knock down by the sergeants
13)Terence's bicycle lock which have accompanied me throughout this BMT experience
14)Nicholas's sad NPCC & Tiffany & Co. story
15)Nicholas as Xianghui! CLASSIC
16)Choon Ngee's impulsive yet fun loving nature
17)Choon Ngee showing me his fake tooth
18)Benjamin's DJ-like voice
19)Super well-mannered and patient Benjamin
20)Marcus's teeth
21)Marcus's vomiting & crying incident
22)Yong Hong's quiet nature
23)Vincent's Beautiful Coloured Tattoo!
24)Slapping Vincent when he utters something vulgar
25)Rodney's impersonation of female characters
26)Bitching with Rodney
27)Jielong creeping into my bed and talk while the rest are asleep
28)Jielong's strong sense of integrity
29)Jielong's reply towards vulgar words... "You've lost me... Shows me that you have limited vocab"
30)Singing songs with Zul during SIT test till we fall asleep
31)Always listening songs together with Zul
32)Zul, my buddy
33)Leroy climbing onto my bed talking all kinds of stuff
34)Leroy falling off from the balancing log
35)Calling Kim Choon as Kim Chi
36)Fooling around with Sara
37)Eugene's introvert persona
38)Fieldcamp crying session
39)The hell day with Sergeant Zaidi
40)Platoon Sergeant's crazy roller coaster ride
And lastly, to my section mates! Love you guys!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
New Moon Bloopers
If you guys have watched the New Moon trailer... You have to watch this... It's so funny!
This is by Nigahiga
This is by Nigahiga
POP day was practically insane...
Woke up at 2.30am to prepare...
Rendezvous point at BMTC parade square at 4am...
Waiting to rush, Rushing to wait...
Set off for 24km route march at approximately 5am...
The 24km route march was surprisingly easy for me... I don't know why... We came to the "finishing point" without even knowing we've completed it... The entire company just came to a halt... I hated the part whereby we had to continue the march after a 15 minutes rest at every 4km interval... The first step on the ground was practically hell!!! I could feel the blisters, bubbles and abrasions torturing me... However, the pain slowly subsided into numbness after 500m of marching...
I kept on with the pain for graduation parade... Marching and static drills... OUCH! Imagine yourself lifting your leg 90 degrees upwards and later, striking it down onto the ground... Your open wounds start to rub against the fabric of the pants and at the same time, you cringe because it hurts so much when your leg hits the ground...
The weather had mercy on us and I'm thankful for that... Temperature was rather good, there weren't much sunlight... :]
Felt a rush of adrenaline when we threw the jockey cap... That's what we've been working towards all this time... It was definitely a moment to be proud of...
Some of the pictures taken while all of us were rushing for the ferry... There weren't even time for touching moments...


MY OC, CPT Roger Chen - the parade commander for the day :D

Mum taking out my jockey cap for me...

Placing the cap nicely

Dad & Mum in the picture

Platoon Minor

Lovely People! Leroy, Rod, Me and Ben behind us

Sergeant Junwei... Our Nicest Sergeant... Meiling, Meihui? Does it strike a resemblance of someone?

Proudly presenting to you! My Section Commander Zhang Li Feng aka Chucky the doll killer :P

And lastly, my favourite Platoon Sergeant Ridhwan :)
*Sergeant Zaidi's picture shall be updated soon...
Woke up at 2.30am to prepare...
Rendezvous point at BMTC parade square at 4am...
Waiting to rush, Rushing to wait...
Set off for 24km route march at approximately 5am...
The 24km route march was surprisingly easy for me... I don't know why... We came to the "finishing point" without even knowing we've completed it... The entire company just came to a halt... I hated the part whereby we had to continue the march after a 15 minutes rest at every 4km interval... The first step on the ground was practically hell!!! I could feel the blisters, bubbles and abrasions torturing me... However, the pain slowly subsided into numbness after 500m of marching...
I kept on with the pain for graduation parade... Marching and static drills... OUCH! Imagine yourself lifting your leg 90 degrees upwards and later, striking it down onto the ground... Your open wounds start to rub against the fabric of the pants and at the same time, you cringe because it hurts so much when your leg hits the ground...
The weather had mercy on us and I'm thankful for that... Temperature was rather good, there weren't much sunlight... :]
Felt a rush of adrenaline when we threw the jockey cap... That's what we've been working towards all this time... It was definitely a moment to be proud of...
Some of the pictures taken while all of us were rushing for the ferry... There weren't even time for touching moments...
MY OC, CPT Roger Chen - the parade commander for the day :D
Mum taking out my jockey cap for me...
Placing the cap nicely
Dad & Mum in the picture
Platoon Minor
Lovely People! Leroy, Rod, Me and Ben behind us
Sergeant Junwei... Our Nicest Sergeant... Meiling, Meihui? Does it strike a resemblance of someone?
Proudly presenting to you! My Section Commander Zhang Li Feng aka Chucky the doll killer :P
And lastly, my favourite Platoon Sergeant Ridhwan :)
*Sergeant Zaidi's picture shall be updated soon...
Saturday, September 05, 2009
That Fateful Night
It was that "talk" during that fateful night which left me with a heavy heart...
Mistakes after mistakes... Stacked and piled...
For the first time in Tekong, I couldn't sleep...
I sat on the ledge at our favourite corner...
The height offered a scenic view of the sea and the night lights of Singapore...
I was facing a series of conflicting emotions...
Leroy thought it was a very JC mindset of doing things but I felt otherwise...
I have to admit I'm hopelessly supportive of Platoon Sergeant...
I always felt that he had something more to teach and offer as a disciplinarian...
I tried to delve deeper, understand the meaning behind each actions...
It was that night I'd came up with my own resolve...
The simplest things are often the hardest to achieve...
It's not easy to pay attention to every single minor detail...
As much as I try to be conscientious in the things I do, I have to say I still fail to comply or adhere to what we often deemed as "simple"...
We have been constantly taking things for granted... thinking that small gestures are redundant and thus, should be omitted...
Let us ask ourselves these questions...
Who doesn't want to take the easy way out?
Who don't wish they could cut some slack and give themselves a piece of their own mind?
Perhaps this is the root of the problem...
Apart from that, a portion of my conflicting emotions came from the thought of leaving Orion, knowing yet again, I'm going to leave the friends I've just met... In 2 working days time, we will each walk our own paths... I'm seriously going to miss them...
I stayed till midnight because I wanted to wait for Jielong to come back... I wanted to see a complete section 3 before putting that fateful day to an end...
Salvaging the last few moments I have with them? Sadly, a yes...
Mistakes after mistakes... Stacked and piled...
For the first time in Tekong, I couldn't sleep...
I sat on the ledge at our favourite corner...
The height offered a scenic view of the sea and the night lights of Singapore...
I was facing a series of conflicting emotions...
Leroy thought it was a very JC mindset of doing things but I felt otherwise...
I have to admit I'm hopelessly supportive of Platoon Sergeant...
I always felt that he had something more to teach and offer as a disciplinarian...
I tried to delve deeper, understand the meaning behind each actions...
It was that night I'd came up with my own resolve...
The simplest things are often the hardest to achieve...
It's not easy to pay attention to every single minor detail...
As much as I try to be conscientious in the things I do, I have to say I still fail to comply or adhere to what we often deemed as "simple"...
We have been constantly taking things for granted... thinking that small gestures are redundant and thus, should be omitted...
Let us ask ourselves these questions...
Who doesn't want to take the easy way out?
Who don't wish they could cut some slack and give themselves a piece of their own mind?
Perhaps this is the root of the problem...
Apart from that, a portion of my conflicting emotions came from the thought of leaving Orion, knowing yet again, I'm going to leave the friends I've just met... In 2 working days time, we will each walk our own paths... I'm seriously going to miss them...
I stayed till midnight because I wanted to wait for Jielong to come back... I wanted to see a complete section 3 before putting that fateful day to an end...
Salvaging the last few moments I have with them? Sadly, a yes...
I need to RANT~~~
I hate POP rehearsals! Talk about the entire school effort... It seems that only few companies bother to put in the effort to make the parade a fast and good one... Standing under the scorching hot sun for 4-6 hours... Sickening! The worst part was prize presentation! Can't move in the file... The entire "not being able to move" took approximately 30 minutes... To aggravate matters, the sun was FRICKIN' HOT! The heat was just unbearable!
Lots of procedures could be hastened or better still, skipped... It felt like I was brought back to kindergarten... Instructions were given at such a slow pace, everything was done one step at a time even though we knew how to execute the tasks...
One word to describe the entire situation...
On a lighter note, I did 9 chin ups! That was really a miracle! :D Even though I didn't managed to get a silver, I still pass my IPPT! Now to think of it, I've never pass IPPT/NAPFA in my life before! LOL! Slap myself~
I hate POP rehearsals! Talk about the entire school effort... It seems that only few companies bother to put in the effort to make the parade a fast and good one... Standing under the scorching hot sun for 4-6 hours... Sickening! The worst part was prize presentation! Can't move in the file... The entire "not being able to move" took approximately 30 minutes... To aggravate matters, the sun was FRICKIN' HOT! The heat was just unbearable!
Lots of procedures could be hastened or better still, skipped... It felt like I was brought back to kindergarten... Instructions were given at such a slow pace, everything was done one step at a time even though we knew how to execute the tasks...
One word to describe the entire situation...
On a lighter note, I did 9 chin ups! That was really a miracle! :D Even though I didn't managed to get a silver, I still pass my IPPT! Now to think of it, I've never pass IPPT/NAPFA in my life before! LOL! Slap myself~
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Look how time flies?! Gonna POP in 7 working days... Words are just not good enough to describe how I feel... Anyway... I'm still going back to repay my 'sins'...
Guard Duty during block leave... How's that... Wahahaha!!!
Guard Duty during block leave... How's that... Wahahaha!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
It seems that a stack of old notes stashed in my dad's hideout place had gone missing... Wonder where it went... Did my dad misplace it? Hmmmm... A thief in the family? I shall exclude the latter option...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Coming Route Marches
I'm seriously so sick and tired of the army songs... It's always the same old few songs... Get so irritated when I hear "Purple Light" & "I Asked My Girl"! It's damn mundane...
With that, my buddy and I decided to compile a list to sing so we won't be bored to death while walking the treacherous path...
-Our Song List-
A Moment Like This
Never Again
Since You've Been Gone
Behind These Hazel Eyes
Because Of You
All Or Nothing
Built To Last
Grace Kelly
Stop & Stare
I Believe I Can Fly
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Just Dance
Love Today
My Life Would Suck Without You
Never Had A Dream Come True
Over You
She Will Be Loved
Anyone Of Us
This Love
Harder To Breath
Wake Up Call
*Pokemon Theme Song* (this is going to be funny!)
I Don’t Wanna Be
I’m Yours
Geek In The Pink
Slide Along Side
Beautiful Girls
Swing Swing
Move Along
So what's a route march without pop songs? Muahahaha!
Credits to Terence for helping out in printing the lyrics =]
With that, my buddy and I decided to compile a list to sing so we won't be bored to death while walking the treacherous path...
-Our Song List-
A Moment Like This
Never Again
Since You've Been Gone
Behind These Hazel Eyes
Because Of You
All Or Nothing
Built To Last
Grace Kelly
Stop & Stare
I Believe I Can Fly
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Just Dance
Love Today
My Life Would Suck Without You
Never Had A Dream Come True
Over You
She Will Be Loved
Anyone Of Us
This Love
Harder To Breath
Wake Up Call
*Pokemon Theme Song* (this is going to be funny!)
I Don’t Wanna Be
I’m Yours
Geek In The Pink
Slide Along Side
Beautiful Girls
Swing Swing
Move Along
So what's a route march without pop songs? Muahahaha!
Credits to Terence for helping out in printing the lyrics =]
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My BMT Journey
This week's homework - My BMT Journey...
Things haven't been going too well ever since SIT test ended...
We get punished for everything we do...
What is happening?
Is it really like what platoon sergeant had said?
Getting complacent?
Is it true?
I don't know...
Am seriously dreading the punishments given...
-punishments given-
1)SHOW PARADE all the way till we POP
2)Other platoons get to slack in their own bunks during admin time while we had to clean the stupid rifle over and again in the training shed...
3)Before lunch - accumulated more than 200+ push ups excluding push ups from physical training
4)Not to forget the abysmal insanity of mind games + guilt torture when one makes mistakes
5)Standby Bed + Area Cleaning with sergeant not coming up to inspect whereby he himself set a timing to meet... Wonder if it was intentional... Did I mention we were under ALOT of time constraint? *Note that my company just underwent a renovation... Beds are converted to double deckers, new fans attached, dusty cupboards*
I sense hatred in some of my platoon mates towards our sergeants... I do see improvements in our platoon and we definitely have more teamwork than the rest of the platoon...
Are we really getting out of hand or are the sergeants getting too overboard with their expectations towards this platoon?
I want my BMT to be memorable... I want platoon 3 to be happy... I want our sergeants to be happy too... I don't want them to get angry, get personal with us... I hate it when they get disappointed with us... I only have 3 weeks left... 3 freaking weeks... Seriously, what the hell is happening? Shouldn't I savour the last few precious moments in Orion company? Sometimes I hope sitting down contemplating gets me to my answers... Haiz...
Things haven't been going too well ever since SIT test ended...
We get punished for everything we do...
What is happening?
Is it really like what platoon sergeant had said?
Getting complacent?
Is it true?
I don't know...
Am seriously dreading the punishments given...
-punishments given-
1)SHOW PARADE all the way till we POP
2)Other platoons get to slack in their own bunks during admin time while we had to clean the stupid rifle over and again in the training shed...
3)Before lunch - accumulated more than 200+ push ups excluding push ups from physical training
4)Not to forget the abysmal insanity of mind games + guilt torture when one makes mistakes
5)Standby Bed + Area Cleaning with sergeant not coming up to inspect whereby he himself set a timing to meet... Wonder if it was intentional... Did I mention we were under ALOT of time constraint? *Note that my company just underwent a renovation... Beds are converted to double deckers, new fans attached, dusty cupboards*
I sense hatred in some of my platoon mates towards our sergeants... I do see improvements in our platoon and we definitely have more teamwork than the rest of the platoon...
Are we really getting out of hand or are the sergeants getting too overboard with their expectations towards this platoon?
I want my BMT to be memorable... I want platoon 3 to be happy... I want our sergeants to be happy too... I don't want them to get angry, get personal with us... I hate it when they get disappointed with us... I only have 3 weeks left... 3 freaking weeks... Seriously, what the hell is happening? Shouldn't I savour the last few precious moments in Orion company? Sometimes I hope sitting down contemplating gets me to my answers... Haiz...
Sunday, August 09, 2009
I just realised I love disco songs alot... Especially the strong fast beat~! This has to be the best disco routine of So You Think You Can Dance since season 1! Love it! Jeanette & Brandon were hitting every single rythmn of the song! I wished I could have such good reflexes to dance like them...
Saturday, August 01, 2009
It was nice seeing and hearing from you guys again!!! The same old hotel... Haha... Natalia~~~ Your lappy's webcam sucks! I can't see some of you! :(
Tim! You very cold is it? Or were you hiding the hidden fats?
Jama! Stop flirting... Tsktsktsk...
Neek! I cut your tongue then you know...
Natalia! Take care ya... I don't know when you coming back to Singapore!
Hongwei! Stop telling me to knock it down!
Everyone! All the best for WMC!
Fieldcamp on Monday... I hope this coming week flies... 6 Days 5 Nights...
Tim! You very cold is it? Or were you hiding the hidden fats?
Jama! Stop flirting... Tsktsktsk...
Neek! I cut your tongue then you know...
Natalia! Take care ya... I don't know when you coming back to Singapore!
Hongwei! Stop telling me to knock it down!
Everyone! All the best for WMC!
Fieldcamp on Monday... I hope this coming week flies... 6 Days 5 Nights...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Music is an element capable of toying human's emotions...
Staring at the video... A hint of sorrow... Melancholy...
Staring at the video... A hint of sorrow... Melancholy...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Got back from an insane Remedial Training - IPPT Skill Training... I've never in my life perspire this much before... My entire body was literally "raining" with beads of perspiration...
Returned home and bathed... Sat down and log onto the internet...
Saw new albums updated on Mus'art's DECADE concert...
As I browsed through the photos... The word "sian" seems to be crumbling down every second like a falling debris... I've been missing alot of stuff! Urgghhh... I could've been there... playing music with the rest just like in the past... I've missed the most meaningful concert having played in that orchestra for so long... Isn't it ironic? This is my first time not playing for Mus'art!
No point ranting anyway... Haiz... I've made the decision and chose the path myself... I may not see the benefits now... However, I'm sure sacrifices are crucial and sadly, inevitable... It's for my future... I guess...
The song 'Training To Be Soldiers' best describes how I feel now...
These phrases are so irritating yet so true to the depth of the earth...
This is the toilet version I've created... Army guys should know the original ones... Which ever version is relevant to how I'm feeling...
"Training to be soldiers"
"Fight for the shit stains" (I'm a toilet cleaner)
"Once in a life, 2 times in a day!"
"Have you ever wondered?"
"Why must we serve?"
"Because we have no choice and we want it(shit) to be free, to be free... YAH!"
"Looking all around us"
"Shit stains everywhere"
"People having fun while I am cleaning shit"
"Have you ever wondered?"
"Why must we serve?"
"Because we have no choice and we want it to be free, to be free... YAH!"
"STAND UP! Fight for the shit stains!"
"Come on everybody"
"Do your part"
"Come on every soldier, soul and heart"
"Do it for your toliet, do it for your Singapore-YAH!"
Returned home and bathed... Sat down and log onto the internet...
Saw new albums updated on Mus'art's DECADE concert...
As I browsed through the photos... The word "sian" seems to be crumbling down every second like a falling debris... I've been missing alot of stuff! Urgghhh... I could've been there... playing music with the rest just like in the past... I've missed the most meaningful concert having played in that orchestra for so long... Isn't it ironic? This is my first time not playing for Mus'art!
No point ranting anyway... Haiz... I've made the decision and chose the path myself... I may not see the benefits now... However, I'm sure sacrifices are crucial and sadly, inevitable... It's for my future... I guess...
The song 'Training To Be Soldiers' best describes how I feel now...
These phrases are so irritating yet so true to the depth of the earth...
This is the toilet version I've created... Army guys should know the original ones... Which ever version is relevant to how I'm feeling...
"Training to be soldiers"
"Fight for the shit stains" (I'm a toilet cleaner)
"Once in a life, 2 times in a day!"
"Have you ever wondered?"
"Why must we serve?"
"Because we have no choice and we want it(shit) to be free, to be free... YAH!"
"Looking all around us"
"Shit stains everywhere"
"People having fun while I am cleaning shit"
"Have you ever wondered?"
"Why must we serve?"
"Because we have no choice and we want it to be free, to be free... YAH!"
"STAND UP! Fight for the shit stains!"
"Come on everybody"
"Do your part"
"Come on every soldier, soul and heart"
"Do it for your toliet, do it for your Singapore-YAH!"
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Can't stop myself from doing dumb stuff... Same thing applies even for army... Urghhh... It's in me... Can I not be that stupid?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
People around me are all falling sick... Please get well my friends! 5 Att C in my section already...
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Kind Of Person He Is
Our platoon sergeant is the kind of person that is capable of executing a crazy roller coaster ride to us recruits both physically and mentally... He punishes us hardly and later explains his rationale behind everything he does...
I was abit overwhelmed by his explanation... I nearly cried but I kept the tears away... I don't know why... Perhaps it was guilt or even remorse? I'm sure a large number of recruits in the platoon felt the same way as I did... I asked Choon Ngee and he felt the same way too... That's the kind of wonderful platoon sergeant we have...
P.S. Timo is in Cougar! LOL! Bless you man... Hope you get through this 9 weeks of BMT without any personal "tekaning" session...
I was abit overwhelmed by his explanation... I nearly cried but I kept the tears away... I don't know why... Perhaps it was guilt or even remorse? I'm sure a large number of recruits in the platoon felt the same way as I did... I asked Choon Ngee and he felt the same way too... That's the kind of wonderful platoon sergeant we have...
P.S. Timo is in Cougar! LOL! Bless you man... Hope you get through this 9 weeks of BMT without any personal "tekaning" session...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
2 weeks have passed and I'm still standing strong, typing a new entry into the same old blog...
As I reside in my warm and cozy home, I came to a conclusion that life in Tekong's not that bad after all... I pondered over the sudden evanesce of excitement as I sat sail on the fast craft back to Singapore... back to where I belonged... The short 2 weeks in army made me realized that there's alot of things I could do without... Mind over matter... Perhaps I adapted too well... too well that it didn't made any difference be it whether I'm stranded on an island or living in my own house...
To recap... The acute uneasiness(hyperventilating) in the first day was immediately vanquished when I realised I did not end up in Ninja... It felt exactly the same - before and after a tough exam... This company ironically became my neighbour... I witnessed the huge contrasts in both companies everyday... Sitting down on the pavement that conjoined both the companies whilst listening to the RO... I exchanged conversations with my buddy... Our dear neighbour (still training) amplified our feelings on how blessed we were... We truly cherish and love our company...
Having said that... Training is going to be progressively demanding and it is definitely going to get tougher... This is sadly the beginning of a new chapter... I must work hard to keep fit... I'm aiming a silver for IPPT... *fingers crossed*
As I reside in my warm and cozy home, I came to a conclusion that life in Tekong's not that bad after all... I pondered over the sudden evanesce of excitement as I sat sail on the fast craft back to Singapore... back to where I belonged... The short 2 weeks in army made me realized that there's alot of things I could do without... Mind over matter... Perhaps I adapted too well... too well that it didn't made any difference be it whether I'm stranded on an island or living in my own house...
To recap... The acute uneasiness(hyperventilating) in the first day was immediately vanquished when I realised I did not end up in Ninja... It felt exactly the same - before and after a tough exam... This company ironically became my neighbour... I witnessed the huge contrasts in both companies everyday... Sitting down on the pavement that conjoined both the companies whilst listening to the RO... I exchanged conversations with my buddy... Our dear neighbour (still training) amplified our feelings on how blessed we were... We truly cherish and love our company...
Having said that... Training is going to be progressively demanding and it is definitely going to get tougher... This is sadly the beginning of a new chapter... I must work hard to keep fit... I'm aiming a silver for IPPT... *fingers crossed*
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Yes... Choices... We are often forced to decide on one when succumbed to tough circumstances... Choices we made vary from day to day; as easy as choosing an item from a grocery store to making one that would either mend or break one's life...
I have met certain people in life claiming to me that they have "no choice"... Has anyone realised that claiming to have no choice is ironically but a choice? When the answer "no choice" is accepted from the recipient, it is clear that chances may have been given beforehand... And the instant the recipient accepts "no choice" as an answer, it is concluded that he/she had already given up hope on that particular person...
Over the years, I've became less tolerant to people giving me excuses... The circuit inside me just gets shorter and shorter... Pending to trigger an explosion into hysteria... I often cast an incredulous stare at my poly mates when excuses good or bad are being thrown at me... It just goes to show the choices they have made... The different priorities they have set for themselves...
I hovered between two extreme ends in Poly... People either like me alot or they hate me to the core... Sad to say, being bothered by insignificant utterance from insignificant people was not even classified under my list... Some people are just so insignificant that I could even forget their names if I don't see them for a month or so...
Having said that, I'm glad the 3 years in Poly finally came to an end... I've got what I wanted, made great friends in the process and I leave with no regrets...
In less than 24 hours, I'm about to depart for another chapter in my life - NS... This feeling seemed surreal even though the thought of getting in had constantly lingered in the back of my head... I'm not sure how it feels to be inside... But I hope I will enjoy this experience...
I'm still glad that everything went on smoothly even though last year had been abit rough... We had our moments of happiness, sadness and definitely, foolishness... The bad thing is that it happened and the good thing is that it ended...
A quote from Desperate Housewives which I found rather true... "everyone has a dirty little laundry"... Different choices we've made had led to the creation of our own dirty little secrets... This quote had never been more relevant than it should be... It's the little choices that we've made throughout our lives that made us who we are today...
Something provocative to think about... What is left of us when the dirty little secrets we've guarded so cautiously... exposed to others? What will be left of us? Will we still be who we are?
I've left many unanswered questions in my blog... Perhaps that's the way of life... We seek to find out these answers...
And as I end this entry, the blog will officially be on 'hiatus' mode until the rightful owner - me returns!
P.S. To those who have made the farewell meaningful and special to me... A BIG THANKS to you guys! :)
I have met certain people in life claiming to me that they have "no choice"... Has anyone realised that claiming to have no choice is ironically but a choice? When the answer "no choice" is accepted from the recipient, it is clear that chances may have been given beforehand... And the instant the recipient accepts "no choice" as an answer, it is concluded that he/she had already given up hope on that particular person...
Over the years, I've became less tolerant to people giving me excuses... The circuit inside me just gets shorter and shorter... Pending to trigger an explosion into hysteria... I often cast an incredulous stare at my poly mates when excuses good or bad are being thrown at me... It just goes to show the choices they have made... The different priorities they have set for themselves...
I hovered between two extreme ends in Poly... People either like me alot or they hate me to the core... Sad to say, being bothered by insignificant utterance from insignificant people was not even classified under my list... Some people are just so insignificant that I could even forget their names if I don't see them for a month or so...
Having said that, I'm glad the 3 years in Poly finally came to an end... I've got what I wanted, made great friends in the process and I leave with no regrets...
In less than 24 hours, I'm about to depart for another chapter in my life - NS... This feeling seemed surreal even though the thought of getting in had constantly lingered in the back of my head... I'm not sure how it feels to be inside... But I hope I will enjoy this experience...
I'm still glad that everything went on smoothly even though last year had been abit rough... We had our moments of happiness, sadness and definitely, foolishness... The bad thing is that it happened and the good thing is that it ended...
A quote from Desperate Housewives which I found rather true... "everyone has a dirty little laundry"... Different choices we've made had led to the creation of our own dirty little secrets... This quote had never been more relevant than it should be... It's the little choices that we've made throughout our lives that made us who we are today...
Something provocative to think about... What is left of us when the dirty little secrets we've guarded so cautiously... exposed to others? What will be left of us? Will we still be who we are?
I've left many unanswered questions in my blog... Perhaps that's the way of life... We seek to find out these answers...
And as I end this entry, the blog will officially be on 'hiatus' mode until the rightful owner - me returns!
P.S. To those who have made the farewell meaningful and special to me... A BIG THANKS to you guys! :)
Monday, June 08, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
This fan-made New Moon movie trailer is so much better than the original one... It shows even more exclusive footages from the new movie... Which brings me to wonder where did the new scenes came from? Was it leaked? Hmmm~~~
Friday, June 05, 2009
Old School
Some of my older friends were really surprised when I know songs like this... Well! My family had Karaoke sessions every week when we were living in Ang Mo Kio...
These songs are a must sing for me! Which explains why my Chinese was quite good when I was younger...
These songs are a must sing for me! Which explains why my Chinese was quite good when I was younger...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Words Of Gratitude
As I'm typing this entry... I seriously don't know what state I'm in now... Am I feeling happy? Am I feeling sad? Are those somewhat simple descriptions of emotions good enough to convey what I'm feeling at this point of time? I really don't know... I'm dumbfounded... This surge of feeling is really unbearable... So unbearable that I feel like bursting out in tears... But I can't... I don't know why... I can't even remember when did I last cried? The feeling of letting everything out... letting it go... letting it loose... I don't know why I'm feeling so emotional today... Has it been a long day? A very long and tiring one? Or is it the fever kicking in? I'm feeling dazed the whole day trying to get a grip on myself... What the hell am I doing?
Timo & Hannah just left not long ago... They surprised me with the belated birthday present... I'm really touched... They got me a headphone... It's from BOSE... Something I really needed even though I've contemplated with the idea of getting it at a later time... It was really a surprise gift... The thought of getting it really did crossed my mind before... Sort of a feeble passing idea that flashed through my mind and ended in that instance... It's really attentive and thoughtful of them to buy something I needed even though I did not verbally express the desperation to get it... Thank You guys... The words of gratitude and gratification is really something beyond what I myself can express in words... I thank you all dearly and love you guys...
And lastly, the chocolates from "SIN" which costs $50... That must have hurt the pocket really badly... Arigatou...
Timo & Hannah just left not long ago... They surprised me with the belated birthday present... I'm really touched... They got me a headphone... It's from BOSE... Something I really needed even though I've contemplated with the idea of getting it at a later time... It was really a surprise gift... The thought of getting it really did crossed my mind before... Sort of a feeble passing idea that flashed through my mind and ended in that instance... It's really attentive and thoughtful of them to buy something I needed even though I did not verbally express the desperation to get it... Thank You guys... The words of gratitude and gratification is really something beyond what I myself can express in words... I thank you all dearly and love you guys...
And lastly, the chocolates from "SIN" which costs $50... That must have hurt the pocket really badly... Arigatou...
The Patches Of Darkness
This is the toughest jigsaw puzzle I've done so far... Even piecing up the moon itself wasn't easy... The shades were almost the same... The corner pieces surrounding the puzzle were insane! There were few pieces of puzzle that looked exactly the same! This created a 'domino' effect... The minute I joined them together... I realized the other sides don't fit... I had to remove the whole section and redo until it felt right to me... With countless trial-and-errors done, I FINALLY completed the border... And now? Patches of darkness... So please advice me where do I start??? Time is running out... Arghhh...

Britain's Got Talent
Susan Boyle sang "I Dreamed A Dream" again! She sang it even better than her previous performances... Bravo! Tim! You should watch this!
Hollie Steel broke down when she sang "Edelweiss"... I was shocked... She cried and pleaded for a second chance... My heart "nua-ed" when she cried... Poor thing... It was LIVE by the way...
Hollie Steel Part 1
Hollie Steel Part 2
The winner of Britain's Got Talent - Diversity
I had goosebumps watching them perform... It's so entertaining...
Embedment of videos was disabled by the provider... :S
Hollie Steel broke down when she sang "Edelweiss"... I was shocked... She cried and pleaded for a second chance... My heart "nua-ed" when she cried... Poor thing... It was LIVE by the way...
Hollie Steel Part 1
Hollie Steel Part 2
The winner of Britain's Got Talent - Diversity
I had goosebumps watching them perform... It's so entertaining...
Embedment of videos was disabled by the provider... :S
The swimming session with Nicholas was totally uncalled for... Nevertheless, it was nice talking to someone I've just known... It's always interesting to hang out with different people... I'm so exhausted now... The whole waking-up-in-the-middle-of-night thingy made me so oozy woozy... I'm a mindless corpse typing every single word now without a soul, without a life... I'm so sleepy now... Zzzz...
Monday, June 01, 2009
New Moon Movie Trailer
I hope New Moon would be better than Twilight... I could already spot four differences in the movie trailer!
1)Edward did not exactly pushed Bella THAT hard when she got the papercut...
2)I don't remember Jasper crushing onto the piano...
3)Jacob transformed into a werewolf infront of Bella... That should not be the case
4)Bella should be in the meadow when Laurent was about to kill her... I don't think that's the meadow... Hmmm~~~
Anyway... I hope it's better than Twilight! Lalala...
1)Edward did not exactly pushed Bella THAT hard when she got the papercut...
2)I don't remember Jasper crushing onto the piano...
3)Jacob transformed into a werewolf infront of Bella... That should not be the case
4)Bella should be in the meadow when Laurent was about to kill her... I don't think that's the meadow... Hmmm~~~
Anyway... I hope it's better than Twilight! Lalala...
Friday, May 29, 2009
I came across this television show called Dou Ge Jing Yi on Channel 8... Some singing competition for the elderly... There was this special performance by Ling Xiao and an unknown singer... Then they sang this song... I was like OMG! It's this song! The song is really special... It accompanied me through my childhood days but I didn't know what the title was... Damn nice... Classic song! Really brought back lots of memories...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This was the worst nightmare ever... I'm not sure whether to describe this as a nightmare or a reality... I was climbing up a ladder that was leading up to a sky scraper... I think I was supposed to save someone in trouble... However, that was not the point...
In the entire dream, I was gasping for air... REALLY gasping for air... I could neither breath through my nose or my mouth... The entire process was excruciating... I remembered struggling to force out whatever that was choked under my throat... I needed to get the air stream moving... The struggle was however futile... I knew I was definitely struggling for more than 10 minutes in that stupid dream...
Suddenly, I sensed a wave of vigorous beats hitting the back of my throat... It was vibrating so fast... I was also secreting saliva at the same time... The saliva tasted different... It was sourish... I think the word "acidic" was the appropriate scientific term to be used here... Shortly after that, I felt as if a gush of fluid was going to regurgitate out of my mouth... It was horrible... The fluid was fighting its way out of the throat... I forced myself to break out of that binding dream... I succeeded... I managed to snapped out of that dream...
Beads of perspiration flowed down from my forehead as I woke up... I was breathing heavily... I've never felt so relieved to know that air was once again present... I've never ever perspire upon waking up from dreams before... I rushed for the toilet knowing I was going to vomit soon... Ended up infront of the basin without anything coming out...
It was having mixed feelings... Part of me wanted whatever that was inside the throat to be freed while the other part of me didn't wanted it... I leaned on the ledge to cool myself down whilst coughing... The gasp for air was real... I thought I was dying...
And I'm still coughing after half an hour had passed... :S
In the entire dream, I was gasping for air... REALLY gasping for air... I could neither breath through my nose or my mouth... The entire process was excruciating... I remembered struggling to force out whatever that was choked under my throat... I needed to get the air stream moving... The struggle was however futile... I knew I was definitely struggling for more than 10 minutes in that stupid dream...
Suddenly, I sensed a wave of vigorous beats hitting the back of my throat... It was vibrating so fast... I was also secreting saliva at the same time... The saliva tasted different... It was sourish... I think the word "acidic" was the appropriate scientific term to be used here... Shortly after that, I felt as if a gush of fluid was going to regurgitate out of my mouth... It was horrible... The fluid was fighting its way out of the throat... I forced myself to break out of that binding dream... I succeeded... I managed to snapped out of that dream...
Beads of perspiration flowed down from my forehead as I woke up... I was breathing heavily... I've never felt so relieved to know that air was once again present... I've never ever perspire upon waking up from dreams before... I rushed for the toilet knowing I was going to vomit soon... Ended up infront of the basin without anything coming out...
It was having mixed feelings... Part of me wanted whatever that was inside the throat to be freed while the other part of me didn't wanted it... I leaned on the ledge to cool myself down whilst coughing... The gasp for air was real... I thought I was dying...
And I'm still coughing after half an hour had passed... :S
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Back Tracking
The different celebrations that have occurred over the span of one week... It was tiring to go out everyday meeting all my friends... But it was definitely worth it... =]
I especially missed Meiling, MeiHui, Weijie & Erica... I don't get to see them as often as I did in the past...
The 1st was with NUS cum Band clique
The 2nd

The 3rd was with Weijie
The 4th

The 5th

I had about 2 glasses of 300ml Vodka... Well... It's my first time trying pure Vodka without mixing other stuff... Didn't know it was so much stronger than red wine... Well, my face did flushed abit...
I especially missed Meiling, MeiHui, Weijie & Erica... I don't get to see them as often as I did in the past...
The 1st was with NUS cum Band clique
The 2nd
The 3rd was with Weijie
The 4th
The 5th
I had about 2 glasses of 300ml Vodka... Well... It's my first time trying pure Vodka without mixing other stuff... Didn't know it was so much stronger than red wine... Well, my face did flushed abit...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Have you ever felt losing someone so dear to you?
How does it feel like when pain becomes numb? So numb everything comes to an end... Sucked into an eternal void...
Can you picture it?
Standing infront of a vast ashen-covered field... staring at the mahogany horizon when everything seems crashing down upon you, piercing through every inch of your body...
Can you still feel that pain torturing you as the seconds ticked?
Will you still be the strong-willed person you once stood before... defending yourself, avoiding any unnecessary pain?
How does it feel like when pain becomes numb? So numb everything comes to an end... Sucked into an eternal void...
Can you picture it?
Standing infront of a vast ashen-covered field... staring at the mahogany horizon when everything seems crashing down upon you, piercing through every inch of your body...
Can you still feel that pain torturing you as the seconds ticked?
Will you still be the strong-willed person you once stood before... defending yourself, avoiding any unnecessary pain?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Kudos to KARA!!! ALL THE WAY!!!
No matter how many times I've watched this... I still laughed at it!
No matter how many times I've watched this... I still laughed at it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Cards, Board, Sweets, Alcohol & Apparels
Indeed... A very good 21st birthday... I'm blessed... Erica bought an interesting T-shirt for me... It really does decribes the situation I'm in... Not bad eh... You do understand me... Haha! And Yiting got me my first watch... Thanks lots! I still have one more to come... That "secret" stuff... It will only come on late May early June... What in the world is it that you guys think I may like that "stuff" when I myself don't even know what I really like? Hmmm... Somemore it's ordered online... WTH is it?
Itchy Hands
Earlier on, all my configurations done to my blog got wiped out... Thanks to my itchy hands! I went to click on the "upgrade" template button and VIOLA! Everything disappeared, back to default...
Hmmmm... So what's new hur? YES! Something new! Notice the blue "harbour/lighthouse" designs beside the headings? That's all.. Crap... But my blog did looked better after that... Hohohohoho...
And I really liked the "New Moon" widget... Cool isn't it?
Hmmmm... So what's new hur? YES! Something new! Notice the blue "harbour/lighthouse" designs beside the headings? That's all.. Crap... But my blog did looked better after that... Hohohohoho...
And I really liked the "New Moon" widget... Cool isn't it?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Japanese Graduation Day
I somehow wished Singapore had a graduation song like this... I'm sure it would leave some wonderful memories for us... A song shared by everyone...
Very hard song to sing... The choir looks and sounds scary... The chords felt melancholy but uncomfortable at the same time... *shivers*
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The 4th Consecutive Day
Today's food was NUTS! *buRRRRPPPPPPPPPP* How to go to sleep in such BO-LO-TED state?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Something Funny
A quote from my friend I saw in MSN... The way the sentence was phrased made me laughed for quite sometime...
"Pui Chao Nua to NTU NUS! Consider to the fullest extent? I pui to the fullest extent too!"
Each intake just gets harder and harder... Some friends whom I thought would definitely make it didn't made the cut this time... I'm really surprised... Why is it so hard to get into Singapore Uni? Why?
"Pui Chao Nua to NTU NUS! Consider to the fullest extent? I pui to the fullest extent too!"
Each intake just gets harder and harder... Some friends whom I thought would definitely make it didn't made the cut this time... I'm really surprised... Why is it so hard to get into Singapore Uni? Why?
Thanks Jie!
Jie celebrated with me today... He came to fetch me, sent me back and everything... It was so nice of him though we got lost on the way several times to the new Tampines Mall... Haha! Not to mention that we got lost heading back too! Twice the road idiocy but it was fun though! Haha... And he continued to get lost again on his way to Singapore Poly... When he smsed saying he just reached SP, the time was about... 8.45pm??? It shocked the hell out of me coz I reached home about 7pm... I called him and he told me he spent most of his time going in circles in Woodlands... It suddenly felt like a maze to him... Haha... Well... I'm sure it would have been 10x WORSE if it was me who was driving!
Anyway, this was his car! Suzuki Swift Sports! So nice! Love it!

Weird plushie toy in the car...

Food at Manpuku

Thanks Jie! Meet up soon! :)
Anyway, this was his car! Suzuki Swift Sports! So nice! Love it!

Weird plushie toy in the car...
Food at Manpuku
Thanks Jie! Meet up soon! :)
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