Saturday, April 04, 2009


I had a dream whereby I opened my piggybank and there were lots of money in it! Hopefully, it means more $$$ filling up my pocket... Lottery maybe? I think this dream may have been the cause of yesterday's conversation with my parents... Had to get each of them to save $10 everyday so I don't have to get loans from bank whilst paying the incurred interest once my uni life is over...

It is sad that my parents have zero savings... They used to quarrel over money issues whereby they blame each other for their incompetency in financing money... Even my brother doesn't know how to finance his own money... but luckily, he is clever enough to have lots of fixed Ds to control his own spendings...

Well... Solo tomorrow... Do or die.. My lips are getting tired... I want to rest my lips... Tone is getting from bad to worse... But with all the last minute choked up practices... I think I will sound bad for my solo... :(

I need miracles to happen!!!

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