Chengdu was really an eye-opener... I've always held a strong contemn against China... Well... Looks like I'm wrong all along... Chengdu is even more developed than the past few Asian countries I've visited... Namely Hong Kong, Thailand & Taiwan... My impression of China always dwindled at the backdrop of Street Fighter ChunLi's stage... Okay... I know this sounds retarded... True as it is... That's how I've always pictured China to be... An ancient scenic area infested with LOTSA bicycles riding on uneven pavements... The entire trip was GREAT! The food? HEAVEN! Seriously.... I've never ever tasted such delicious food in my life in this 5 days... I'm greatly appalled by the different feasts I've tried...
I'm travelling with Hannah, Timo, Timo's Dad & Mum, Aunty Mui, Aunty Lydia & Si Xuan Lao Shi this time round... (You guys will know later who this Lao Shi I'm talking about...)
Arrived at Chengdu with this HUGE bus that was going to be our main source of transport throughout the 5 day tour... It was way too big for a private travel group... Oh! Did I mentioned that the itinerary was all planned and customized by Timo's Mum?
We stayed in at Si Chuan Hotel - 4 Stars... Our rooms were pretty cosy & comfy...
Hannah... My roommate for this trip...
Upon dumping the luggage in the hotel, we left for dinner at this restaurant named "Parrot"... I grimaced when I entered the main hall of the restaurant... The restaurant was so posh and unique... To live up to its name... Life parrots encaged can be seen adorning the restaurant...
I was telling Timo and Hannah that the restaurant was able to hold a masquerade party due to its classy tasteful interior design... It was close to somewhat a grand ballroom... Not those pathetic hotel ballrooms you see in Singapore...
As I was observing every edge of the restaurant, something caught Hannah's attention... A "call" button behind every menu display! SERIOUSLY~~~ *rolls eyes*
Yes... This is Si Xuan... I'm sure all of us have seen her in Qi Cai Xue Tang or Yang Sisters... She behaves the same way on TV... Bubbly, perfect fluent Chinese... Didn't know she had been in Mediacorp since 1979... Crazy! She's a TV producer, a celebrity teacher (there's 2 ways to interpret this term... She's a celebrity that teaches Chinese OR she's a Chinese teacher that teaches celebrities in Mediacorp... Either way makes sense coz she does both of them... The improvement in Adrian Pang's Chinese? Thanks to her!) Lastly, she does ALL dubbings for any shows that involves Chinese... Insane eh?
After devouring the delicious food in "Parrot" *I tried the escargot which tasted not bad! >_<, we proceeded to Jiu He - Massage Parlour... Okay... Like I said... The whole trip was customized by Aunty, that's why we get interesting stuffs like this... Note that its not just one day... But EVERY night in Chengdu... I felt my back getting better with every treatment I get... I slept soundly every night and woke up without the slightest inch of pain in my back... It was amazing... We had pedicure treatments in the massage parlour too... The treatment was different than the normal ones we have...
1st - Pedicurist was a man
2nd - He was bald (Hehehe... This was random)
3rd - The equipment used was a metallic chisel-like "blade"... Well, it looks remotely like a blade... The edges looked blunt... There weren't any "blade" thingy to begin with...
4th - No polishing involved... Just "SCRAPPING"... I prefer using this term over trimming/cutting
When the treatment began, I felt nothing... Feeling weird, I peeked over my leg and realized to my horror that the excess toenails were instantly slit off... With the pedicurist using the "blade", a slight push of my toenails against it was all it takes to remove the toenails... Afraid my toes being cut off, I tried my best not to quiver... The "blade" was so fine that it was able to remove my callouses too!
Our refreshments while watching the DVDs provided... Like king wor~~
Uncle posing for us...
Pretty toenails eh?
We came across a field of immaculate roses while heading down to the strawberry farm to do some pluckem'off... Went down to take some photos instead...
I like this picture!
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, What's next?
Okay, this is my virgin pluckem'off on the strawberries... Huge, Chunky, Sweet and DE-LI-CI-OUS! 500 grams for S$2+ if I had not remembered wrongly... DIRT CHEAP!!! The ones we always buy in the market sucks big time! Some of them nua-nua one... Ekk!!
My harvest accompanied by the vegi fields...
Wonder where these farmers pee or poop?
TADA!!! The DIgusting chicken coop! pOOP in the cOOP... LOL! Okay! Cheap thrill...
The fields looked dreamy... Like long untrimmed mosses...
Old rustic village
I thought this small stream looked great under the sun... Took a picture of it...
Our model posing for us on the end result...
We ended strawberry harvesting and parted with the ladies while they headed off to Spa treatments... Xiao Zheng, our tour guide strongly recommended us to this noodle store... The noodles were the BEST! I've never tried noodles that were so flavourful and smooth... Hannah and me loved the beef noodles! The DIgusting stench of the beefs are normally the cause of bad beef noodles... The ones we had tasted perfect... All stench removed... Xiao Zheng ordered 16 bowls of noodles for us... ||| Timo had 5 bowls... Hannah had 3 bowls while uncle and me each had 2.5 bowls... It was dirt cheap price again... S$1.20 per bowl! For that type of taste, I don't mind eating it at S$4 dollars! There's this noodle called the "WEIRD TASTE NOODLE"... Apparently, it was the highlight of the noodles sold there... Uncle liked it alot...
My favourite beef noodles!
Headed for "Gingko" restaurant for dessert... Apparently, "Gingko" is the famous ATAS restaurant in Chengdu... It's everywhere...
Having seen this fish tank display as their ornament on the central of the table, do I need to tell you how ATAS it is?
The yummy Mango Pancake! I miss this ALOT!!!
Durian Pancake
We also had the Mango Sago and the Peanut Paste... But they weren't as fantastic as the two above...
Shopped 4 shopping centres at one go and found freaking 8 Adidas Shop within vicinity... Bought the China edition of the Adidas shirt Timo bought for me in Japan... Its so nice! All 3 of us bought the same shirt... It's the only Adidas shirt I think I will buy...
Went for herbal steamboat for dinner... Best soup base EVER... Let me tell you why...
These are the ingredients tossed into the soup to create the unique flavour...
This was our appetizer... Papaya is one of the dishes they used for their delicacies...
I was munching at the meat balls, mushrooms and the abundance of non-salty luncheon meat! It was so nice!
This was the Hazel Nut cum Soya Milk thingy drink... Nice... Never tried something like this before...
One of the bosses of the travel agency came down to had dinner with us... Aunty travelled China so frequent that she became good friends with the agency... It was a joyous occasion... The bosses brought her side of the family and showed their hospitality to us Singaporeans... We kept on toasting and toasting and toasting... Before I knew, I already gumped down 10 glasses of red wine... Hohohoho~~~
Pictures taken in the bus as we headed for our massages... Timo & Hannah were flushing like mad... Hahaha... Looks like I have a threshold of liquor resistance... Thanks to Fujita-san! :)
Day 3
It was our visit to the Panda Breeding Centre... "You will be charmed by the mischievious but so-lovable Giant Pandas at the Panda Breeding Centre." This sentence is a direct quote from the itinerary... It sounds wrong but every word held onto its true meaning... I really enjoyed the visit... The pandas were so mischievious... Timo recorded the scene whereby one of the pandas governed its own piece of territoy and refused to let the other panda step into it... I was amused with the scene and felt a hint of pity for the poor panda that got bashed away by the terrorizing panda...
In case you don't recognized them... It is actually MASTER SHIFU from Kungfu Panda... These red racoon look-alikes are called the "Red Panda"...
Headed to another Gingko restaurant for lunch... Lots of yummy food that I couldn't be bothered to take pictures with... Every restaurant we went just gets better and better...
Headed to Jinsha museum... I was overwhelmed with intimidation by the excavation sites... Looking at the things done in the past... The Mayan tribes that possessed technology that were way too advanced for the ancient era just sent chills down my spines...
So many gold pieces!!! Drools~
Okay... Please tell me how this gold piece is carved out? The dimensions were symmetrical... I seriously don't believe they had the technology to do this... It's a question unanswered even till now... Some people percieved the Mayan tribes as aliens... Hahaha... The design below was interpreted as the 4 godly birds encircling the 12 suns; this is represented by each of the edges shown in the central of the gold piece... I bought a brooch which was a replica of the gold piece... It's so pretty!
Dinner was at Zhang Da Huzi fish head hotpot... I don't think I need to say anything... Haha... We were in a private room eating hotpot... What's there to say? Ended the day with my favourite massage...
Day 4
A visit to Huanglongxi Old Town... The rustic, peaceful and perfectly maintained architecture exuded a teeming savour of ancient China... It gave me an idea how our forefathers lived in the past...
As we walked over the hatch, aggressive peasants could be seen scrambling their way selling flower wreaths to us... We were flustered with their enthusiasm... We didn't know who to buy from... They were all fighting for the same piece of meat... Some even shouted at the other sellers not to snatch their businesses... Scary...
The bean grinder! Takes amassive technique and strength to push this damn thing!
We visited the Yamen aka the Justice Department whereby law offenders are either imprisoned or beheaded...
Anyone willing to try stick their heads into this? Wonder how many lives were ended under this merciless instrument...
Timo the not-so-black BAO GONG wannabe... There was another picture taken but not in my camera whereby me & Timo kneel down awaiting for Hannah's final judgement to end our lives...
Funny picture! Read the words... Sounds so wrong!
After all that shopping and sightseeing... We headed for "Ge Zhi" which means pigeon in chinese... It was another great feast! Another private room with personal toilet and kitchen this time... Interesting~~~
I have tried lots of weird stuff which I couldn't imagine myself eating... I don't know what Timo had told Uncle and Aunty such that even Aunty Mui, Aunty Lydia & Si Xuan knew the existence of my poor eating habits way beforehand... They mentioned something like, "OH!!! So you are the one ha?"
Having knew my infamous picky eating habits, Uncle was quite impressed with my courage in trying dubious looking food... I had stuffs like duck tongue and beef tendons... Anyone tried pigeons before? It tastes like chicken... I tried once in HongKong and it tasted horrible... The HongKong cafe was not even fantastic to begin with...
The private toilet! Toilet bowl coated with gold platings... Seriously~ My first time seeing this!
Next destination - SanXingDui Museum... An even better museum than Jinsha... The treasures found were few thousand years older than Jinsha... Strangly, the treasures were even more intricate... This is something the researchers couldn't explain... Thanks to this Mayan tribe aliens...
OMG! I drool when I saw the pure gold scepter right infront of my eyes... Why would this kind of thing exists? I thought stuffs like this only appear in TV games?
Again... This crazily exquisite jade tree is said to be the medium to communicate to the gods in the past... How entrancing is that?
Headed to the best restaurant yet at Wide & Narrow Alleys! The restaurant didn't had any brand name to it... Our tour guide Xiao Zheng told us this restaurant only allowed businessmen, officials or friends with the boss into the restaurant... If I'm not mistaken, Xiao Zheng arranged this for us... As shown in the itinerary, its a "unique private dining" experience...
Does this look "private" to you? Looks more like chalet to me? Got plasma TV, sofa and even BALCONY... What's next? I can't take anymore ATAS stuff!!! I tried rabbit meat and Dong Po meat (I broke through my fear of eating lard... This was Xiao Zheng's recommendation... I couldn't taste the lard... Everything melted in my mouth and the flavour exploded in my mouth... It's that good... Our personal waitress told us the Dong Po meat took 36 hours to cook... |||
Food displays that I've never seen in my life... Who knew Chinese cuisine could be so creative?
I had all along hated the chewy texture of abalone... I always percieved it as cheap coz it didn't taste as nice as its overstated price... Well... This abalone melts in my mouth... The best abalone I've ever tried...
The game we played... Everyone had to picked one out of the lots... Contains different "punishments"...
My 5th red wine... Yum! I could've drank more... But no more liao...
Ended the day with my last session of massage... Took a picture of with my masseuse that relieved the pains of my back these few days... I'm going to miss her!
Last Day
Breakfast was KFC! We skipped breakfast in restaurant and headed for KFC... If you guys go CHINA, PLEASE TRY THE KFC PORTUGUESE EGGTARTS! I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT! Only China's KFC have eggtarts! This season was Blueberry eggtarts! My favourite... I can still imagine the taste lingering in my mouth... Makes me drool... I don't have the pictures yet!
Crazy last minute shopping and then to our lunch! Beancurd feast! Yet ANOTHER crazy one... Private room AGAIN! I have lost count the number of times already...
I'm not a fan of soup and yet I drank more than 8 bowlfuls of this... Me and Hannah loved it... Cleared the entire bowl!
My Bro...
Hannah & Timo...
Another round of crazy last minute shopping then I found this! I was so tempted to buy this! It's the apple from Japanese Drama "Love Generation" but of a different colour...
And there I am sitting on the plane looking across the vast horizons... Thinking what Uncle & Aunty told me... "Don't set this as your benchmark for future trips, it's different..." Haha... I would be nuts thinking of setting this trip as a benchmark in near future... This is really an experience of a lifetime and I'll never look at China the same it was... Now for the terrifying part... How many pounds did I gain after this trip? I'm still procrastinating whether to stand onto the weighing machine to get some asswhipping from reality trauma... :S
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