Monday, April 13, 2009


Had a run at the garden just now... Happen to see Mr. Barber (I don't know his name)... He is really one of the best barber I have met so far... He's really meticulous in cutting/trimming his customer's hairs... He is nice... He treats his customers like friends and talks to them... Perhaps it has something to do with his age? About 26? He was doing some exercises and later playing his skateboard... We talked awhile and I was asking about his work situation and other stuffs... The conversation was something worth pondering about...

He works 13 hours everyday... No rests unless he is sick... I kinda pity him... If you think you are living "no life"... I think you should reconsider again... Try putting yourself in his shoes and tell me again... Is your life really "no life"? Some people worked their arse off making a living while some just don't give a shit about his/her life because he/she thinks it's fine to stay put that way... He/she thinks it's fine since he/she can feed/suck off his/her parent's hard-earn money...

Some people borned living a good life should really experience what it means to suffer and learn how hard it is to survive in this industry... I won't say I come from a super poor family... But I can say it's hard just to be self-sufficient... I envy people who are born & bred from a silver-spoon family... They don't have to worry about school fees, saving the utility bills... My family have this practice... If utility bills increases, we cut here & save there... One classic example is to restrict the amount of water that flows out of the tap... It's crazy... But we just have to get use to it...

I get exasperated at times wishing I was richer blah blah blah... but then, it loses the true meaning of achieving what one desires at the end... I'm glad I'm not the kind of spoiled child that opens his/her hands and asks for money from his/her parents... I like spending my own money... It feels great... :)

Guess I'll slog my arse off working next time... I want to be rich... Oh... HOHOHOHOHO~~~


testing for blog said...


Bin said...

I can see u're even MORE bored to look at my blog... BORING PPL... PISS OFF