Sunday, August 31, 2008


Okay! I know I went for some crazy tidbits shopping again! I know I'm bonkers! But, who cares? Hohohohoho~~~~

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Funny Conversation

This happened during the 2nd day of work... Several agents I've never seen before came into office... Marcus started introducing me to the colleagues...

Marcus: Hey Irene! This boy is my son!

Irene: Really? (in awe)

Marcus: No lah... He's an intern from NYP helping me out...

Few staff discussing among themselves: Eh... Actually they look abit alike leh... Got father & son look...

Irene: Ya lor Ya lor!

Bin: |||

And subsequent days... I heard them calling me Marcus No.2!!! OMG!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Lunching with Marcus for the first time and this is what we ate... Sinful... This plate of chicken rice cost approximately $20! So expensive! But Marcus treat me... Ya... Haha |||

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Walked around JB with Xiao Ti & Tim... Shall do it again... :) For some reason, Xiao Ti seems to be able to eat alot yesterday... even more than Tim... Haha! Nevertheless, both are still hungry monsters...

A side note to Xiao Ti, stop showing your "pregnant" stomach! It's hilarious! To add on, slapping it doesn't make the "air" nor the food in the stomach go away... Haha...


This is what I'm going to do starting from next week... Work starting from 9.30-6pm in the morning at Prudential and 7-10pm in the night at BMC... Saturday 9-6pm at BMC... Yup... Guess that's the schedule for the next 2 months... I will taste the power of fatigue! *Dejavu* This is going to happen again! Similar schedule during UOB days...


Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Over

Yes, it's over... Owarinasai!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

~Love is a friendship set to music~


Its no point crying over spilled milk... But I hate the fact that certain expectations weren't met... I managed to memorise everything... but my mind just wasn't functioning as good as it was at the most critical and deciding point... I'm a disgrace to myself... Slap yourself Bin...

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Went for supper session with Xiao Ti & Tim AGAIN... FAT! Something freaked the hell out of us! It's hard to describe... You'll have to experience it yourself to know it... I know its exam period! But I can't wait for our trip to Johor this coming Friday! It's going to be fun... A motivating factor for me to study and get over this tormenting exam! Arghh~

Meet Dave

Went movie with Xiao Ti & TIm... Quote of the day...

I am Dave Ming Chang~ LOL!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Supper Session

All of us were kinda bored and so we decided to meet up for supper... Xiao Ti came to my house to have some chit-chat session first... And yes! I asked the sacred question, got my mum to guess his age... I can't believe my mum said 23-24! OMG! *eyes rolled* Looks like I'm the only sane one able to guess his age correctly... He must have cast his YCB spell again...

Meet up with Tim shortly and head to Al Ameen... Before the food even came, I already had "uninvited guest". It was COCKCROACH! Oh My Freaking God... It was crawling BEHIND my back until Xiao Ti noticed and screamed, I immediately jumped up and shaked it off... It was "DI"GUSTING! Can't believe a cockcroach touched me! YUCKS!!!!! Traumatised~ *Faint*

Took pictures of Tim & Xiao Ti~

There's always unlimited stuff to talk about when they are present... So everything was fun :) Yup... Face reality! Study Bin! Not much time left...

A side note - Congratz to the Singapore Table Tennis Team! You guys rock~ Didn't sacrifice 4 hours of my study time to watch you guys battle it out!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I only have 2 packets of tidbits left... What am I doing?! It's suppose to last me during the exam period... crap... I can't believe I gobbled up 6 packets of tidbits in a day.... OMG~~~~~~ PIG BIN

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tidbits Galore!

Went for some crazy shopping just now... Some retail therapy to release stress is good~ Okay.. I know I'm crazy...


Had a talk with Emily and it's truly encouraging to know that there's someone keen to support you in your concert... Although I know my friends will support me if I get them to come, still, I do like the fact that I'm wasting their time, effort and money... For some reason, it just doesn't feel right to me... More like I'm cheating them or something... Haha... Don't know why I feel this way too... I must be nuts...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fun Day

It was fun performing Beautiful Sunday this time... Met Tim first before meeting Xiao Ti... As usual, Tim's LATE again.. wahahaha... Xiao Ti was so bored that he travelled all the way down to Admiralty to meet us first! And yet, we reached later than him... Haha... Tim, repent your sins!

We went for breakfast at LJS Marina Square... Didn't really have a pleasant experience as the service provided was quite sub-standard... Customers normally expect their food to be served to them once it is ready... Applying the scenario to our case, nothing was being done... The service provider was busy counting the money in the cashier system... so Xiao Ti and me decided to save the hassle and go get the food ourselves...

As we approached the guy for our food, he gave us a "pissed off" look which was super irritating... As we continued eating the food, we realised the "service" provided to us was far from what it was rendered to the other customers... It was quite irritating to witness differentiated services being provided... In the end, we concluded that it was both our faces that pissed him off... Haha... Well... You can't expect any service of higher quality provided to you in Singapore...

After rehearsal in Esplande, MORE food!!! (feel like puking...) we decided to go out for a walk as it was boring to stay there... As usual, I got lost in the area AGAIN... Damn... Not something to be proud of though... Luckily Xiao Ti was with me when we got lost... Kinda reminds me of the bad childhood memories when I got lost alone... but still, Xiao Ti managed to find the way out.. Haha...

Went for ice cream at Haagen Dazs and back to Esplande for performance... I thought we sounded okay with the limited practices we have... Xiao Ti's 1-bar solo sounded nice.. lol... Congratz!

Went for Taiko & BeatMania with Tim, Xiao Ti & PK! Xiao Ti is skilled... play game with him stress... haha... Nevertheless, it was FUN! Wonder when was the last time I actually touched this kind of games... Haha... We should do this again some other time! As we continued, MORE FOOD AGAIN!!! OMG! PIG~

After that, settled at Mind's Cafe for some crazy games and MORE FOOD AGAIN... PIG!!!! especially CrazyGab and that Veggie game... Pronouncing the words is a helluva thing to do... I don't know how loud Xiao Ti and me laughed playing that while Tim went for his prayers... When we started the Veggie game, it's just crazy... Tim came out with a few new names for vegetables, not to mention "Prolettuce"... LOL!

Mind-boggling + Tongue-twisting games = Tired Brains...

Towards the end, everyone was so tired... Yawning all the way on the train... but it was still fun... Haha... I enjoyed myself before "DI"gusting exams start again... :)

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Time of Scars...

What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?
Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so much, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then we ran like the wind
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...

Friday, August 08, 2008


'Trust' is an intricate attribute that will only be forged when he/she is trapped in an oppressive situation... In just one day, I've already experienced two situations pushing 'trust' on the chopping board...

I can't help but to put it that way... Imagine yourself already got inflicted by some damage done by someone, and later, that someone apologizes to you realising his/her mistake. Yes, you can always forgive that person, but, can you stop that damage that was long inflicted to go away in a flash? I doubt so...

I know its not his/her fault, but I can't stop thinking that I meant lesser than a tip from an exam. I felt utterly disappointed at that time... Though I may have looked okay on the outside, I can't deny the stint of pain that still pricks my heart... it hurts...

In the working world, you thought you've always felt this "mutual understanding" and "trust" with the person whom you've worked with until true "assassination" is dealt upon you... This "trust" many people hold in the working world has always been so superficial that it has been exploited as a "figure of speech". Many people have taken this word for granted... and at the same time, trampled it as it were a useless junk lying on the floor...


Tuesday, August 05, 2008


現実を否定して 嘘で落ち着きたい


My Name, My Parents

My name is 苏国斌,once you flip it, it becomes 斌国苏... which sounds like 萍果树! Haha... Lame right? I know its lame... Hohohoho~

My mum's surname is LOH and my dad's surname is SOH... and together they formed the LOHSOH 罗嗦 parents! Haha... Twice the snow attack~ Cold isn't it?


I caught sight of this while looking at older posts of xiao ti... Nice name! Muahahaha...

My authentic japanese name is 石丸 Ishimaru (round stone) 翼 Tsubasa (wing).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Do you know me ver. 2.0?

Since someone complained that my questions were limited thus resulting in him getting low marks... I shall make another one...

Create your own Friend Test here

Do you know me?

Create your own Friend Test here

A Different Feeling

I know I've abandoned my blog for the longest time possible! I know you guys have been asking this question, "your blog never update one!" over and over again. Okay Okay! I'll do it this instance!!!

I've been having mixed feelings lately, I don't know why... To think back, Meiling has already left Mus'art about a year, I refused to believe the fact that she has lost interest in band playing at that time... I couldn't accept it, I just couldn't... I didn't want to have the thought of her abandoning me but I just couldn't help having that kind of "played out" mentality.

It was definitely not her fault to leave that place and I understood how she felt at that time... I would have done the same thing if I were her... It actually took me sometime to face and accept reality that she will never ever come back again when WMC 2009 ends...

At that point of time, travelling seems to be the most excruciating part of the journey... There was simply no one to talk to... I felt very lonely at the time... It's very hard to get over someone whom you have gotten so used to... and suddenly, you have to live without it...

I missed the days how I used to wait for her to come down from her house like ALL the time, how we always go band practices really early do have brunch and self practices, how we often have late night talks after band practices with the rest and more late night talks reaching home, how we travelled in that idiotic 187 and "shake" all the way to and fro Mus'art...

Playing in Mus'art used to be one of the things I've enjoyed doing, it was a happier place in the past... but you can't expect everything to stay there intact and not change?!

And so for the first few months, I started to take a different route suggested by Tim before he went to Hawaii... As the months continued, I got used to the feeling of travelling alone... I didn't know how to describe the feeling at that time... but it seems that I've moved on the moment I choose to take that "route".

There was this time when dumb conflicts (I wouldn't even consider it as conflicts, more like children's bickering) in Mus'art irritated the hell out of me... I was so tired at that time, what I wanted was just to play music and not experience that aura of "unhappiness" in the band... I nearly had the urge to leave Mus'art and stop playing as there was nothing left for me to cherish... Nevertheless, I still stayed on aimlessly not knowing what to do... Stupid right?

Things started to change when Tim came back, I was so happy and glad that he was back in Singapore again! I was thankful that I got to know nice people like Xiao Ti & PK through him.

I knew Xiao Ti like WAY~~~ long ago when he came to Mus'art with ZiXian, but we were only acquaintance back then... I didn't even know he existed when we played the CNL concert together (I was so young then, 16+ okay?), the "terrifying" thing is that he was already in Mus'art for the "New York" concert! I think my eyes must have "tut ALOT of stamps" back then, perhaps I have selective vision + memory... Hehe... My first impression of Xiao was that he was very "DAO" and serious looking kind of person coz of his big head and "intellect" spectacles, cannot play play with him one... Ya... *eyes rolled*, but little did I know it was not what I expected of him! It was totally different! He is one crazy guy! (cannot praise too much or else he will fly to the skies) Hah!

PK's a really nice girl... Funny & random! She even plays the piano! I always wanted to learn it... PK! I saw your comments! I have sharp eyes! But I'm a noob in blogging... Maybe someone can help me to insert a nice looking tag board... wahaha... Erhem... *Hinting to the IT pro who showed me his works*

I felt that I knew Tim even better over these past few months... We were always so "polite" with each other back then... but it's so different now... haha... We can voice out our opinions and bitch with each other about our lives... Hahaha!

Now, I feel happier going to Mus'art... There's something for me to look forward to in the practices to come... "It is to meet up with them..." :)